Over 2.79 crore students, teachers and parents have registered for Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s eighth edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) since online registration opened on 14th December 2024, the Ministry of Education has informed. The registration will remain open until 14 January 2025.
PPC is an interactive event organized annually by the Department of School Education and Literacy under the Ministry of Education, to transform exam-related stress into a festival of learning and celebration.
In line with the spirit of PPC, a series of engaging school-level activities are scheduled from 12 January 2025 (National Youth Day) to 23 January 2025 (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti) to reinforce its message of resilience, positivity, and joy in learning, ensuring that education is celebrated as a journey rather than a pressure-driven task.
The activities aim to foster holistic development and inspire students to celebrate examinations as an Utsav. These activities include: Indigenous games sessions, Marathon runs, Meme competitions, Nukkad Natak, Yoga-cum-meditation sessions, Poster-making competitions, Inspirational film screenings, Mental health workshops and counselling sessions, and Poetry / song / performances.