MLA Achumbemo Kikon convenes coordination meeting at Bhandari, Wokha

Bhandari: The MLA also expressed hope that Bhandari sub-division would be granted the status of Sub Divisional Planning and Developmental Board soon

BY | Friday, 31 March, 2023
MLA Achumbemo Kikon at the coordination meeting at Bhandari, Wokha on 31 March 2023.

A co-ordination meeting and departmental review for discussion on departmental activities and other related matters was convened by Achumbemo Kikon, Member of Legislative Assembly 40 Assembly Constituency, Bhandari at the Additional Deputy Commissioner conference hall Bhandari with the departmental officers on Friday, DIPR stated.

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Chairing the meeting, Kikon sought the cooperation of the heads of offices under the subdivision to work together responsibly with practicality, transparency, and accountability to usher in change to uplift the living standard of the people.

Bhandari, being a very old and large sub-division with potential, yet still lagging in terms of growth and developmental aspects, needs all the departmental officers in different capacities to cooperate and work on a mission mode to benefit the people, he said, and called upon the officers to assist him to deliver the best service to the people of the Bhandari constituency

The MLA also expressed hope that should the Bhandari sub-division be granted the status of Sub Divisional Planning and Developmental Board (SDPDB) soon, many progressive agendas for all round development including economic growth and infrastructural development, benefits from government policies, schemes, and programmes would be deliberated and decisions would be taken accordingly for their execution.

He also appealed to the officers and the departments to function their official duties and deliver their services to the people by being at the workstation instead of running the office from elsewhere.

In the meeting, Additional Deputy Commissioner Bhandari, Rohit Singh IAS, and the heads of offices highlighted the activities of their respective departments which were duly noted by the MLA.

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