AKM revises tuition fee structure in Mokokchung district

Mokokchung: Maximum intake of students for a specific period/session should be 8 students, AKM notifies

BY | Thursday, 25 July, 2024

The Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) has announced a new tuition fee structure for Mokokchung district. The new structure is as follows:

Home Tuition:

  1. Class A to 7: Rs. 2000/- per student.
  2. Class 8 to 10: Rs. 2500/- per student.
  3. Class 11 to 12: Rs. 3000/- per student.

– The maximum intake of students for a specific session should be 4 students.

– Third & fourth students will be charged only 50% of the fee.


First person – Rs. 2000

Second person – Rs. 2000

Third person – Rs. 1000

Fourth person – Rs. 1000

Normal Tuition Monthly Fees:

  1. Class A to 7 : Rs. 700/- per student.
  2. Class 8 to 10: Rs. 1000/- per student.
  3. Class 11 and above: Rs. 1300/-per student.

– The minimum hours of every tuition for a student should be 8 hours a week.

– Maximum intake of students for a specific period/session should be 8 students.

– This fee structure will come into effect from August 2024.

– For any clarification/grievances in the above mentioned Fee Structures, please contact the following numbers:-

  1. Onenpong (Vice-President): 7005740523
  2. Lanulemba Longchar (Education Secretary): 8837486276

Read more: Mokokchung: Ao Students’ Conference notifies on tuition fee structure


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