NVBDCP organise Dengue Awareness Programme at CIHSR

Chümoukedima: Experts stress on removal of all breeding places, keeping surroundings dry

BY | Friday, 9 August, 2024

The National Vector Borne Diseases Control Programme (NVBDCP) in collaboration with the Christian Institute of Health Sciences and Research (CIHSR) Chümoukedima, organised a two-day Dengue awareness programme under the theme ‘Beat Dengue: Our Health Our Responsibility’ at CIHSR, Chumoukedima on 8th and 9th August 2024.

DIPR has informed that on the second day, District Program Officer, NVBDCP, CMO Establishment, Dr. Kavito Zhimomi conveyed to the public leaders the need of community participation in preventing mass spread of dengue virus. He called on the public leaders to encourage their community, villages and colonies to remove all the breeding places and keep their surroundings dry especially in the month of August, September and October to prevent large spread of virus.

Resource person, Dr. Nokchur Imchen while reflecting on dengue fatalities in 2023, majority of whom lost their lives due to late treatment, urged suspected dengue patients to visit the nearest hospital within 3-7 days which is critical time for treatment.

Peter Sangtam, Consultant NVBDCP, CMO Establishment gave a report on dengue vector, its breeding site & control measures.  Dr. Atsung Aier Sr. Consultant Community Health Department CIHSR led the group discussion on anti-dengue action plan.

MS CIHSR, Dr Bendangtoshi Jamir delivered the opening address while the programme was chaired by Quality Officer, CIHSR, Laishram Vidyalakshmi, DIPR stated.

The programme was said to have been attended by public leaders from Dimapur, Chümoukedima and Niuland district.

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