NBSE announces State Talent Search Examination (STSE) in Maths and Science

BY | Monday, 12 August, 2024

The Nagaland Board of School Education has announced the State Talent Search Examination (STSE) in Mathematics and Science, which is intended to identify and develop young talent in these crucial fields, fostering a strong foundation in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines.

The exam is being conducted In collaboration with Performance Assessment, Review and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development (PARAKH), National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi, as part of the activ’ties planned to commemorate the Board’s Golden Jubilee. The details are provided below.

Vision and Objectives:

Promote STEM Education: Encourage students to develop a keen interest in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Identify Talent: Discover students with exceptional abilities and potential in STEM subjects.

Foster Excellence: Provide a platform for students to showcase their skills and knowledge in mathematics and science.

Enhance Skills: Improve problem-solving, analytical, and critical thinking skills.

Encourage Innovation: Inspire innovative thinking and application of STEM concepts.

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Prepare for Future Careers: Equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge for future academic and career pursuits in STEM fields.

Provide Recognition: Recognize and reward talented students, motivating them to pursue further studies and careers in STEM.

Eligibility: Students of Class IX only are eligible to participate.

Details:  There will be two stages to the examination.

Stage 1: District level

Written Examination: Type of questions will be Multiple-Choice Type only.

Development of the Questions: All questions will be prepared and moderated by PARAKH, NCERT, New Delhi.

Participants: All Registered Institutions are to provide 50%   of their enrolment in Class IX to the Board on/before 27th August 2024 by filling up the form titled: “Registration form for State Talent Search Exam (STSE) in Mathematics and Science to promote STEM”, which can be downloaded from the Board’s portal https://nbsenl.edu.in/ under the tab: Downloads → Forms, and emailed to stemnbse@gmail.com

The District level Examination Is scheduled tentatively on 10th September 2024 at the districts’ headquarters.

Stage 2: State level

Project Work: Selected best students from district level will develop a Science or Technology project that aims to benefit the community.

Mentoring: Each State level participant will be mentored by PARAKH, NCERT, New Delhi to develop the Science Project, along with one Teacher from the participant’s Institution.

Participants: The following will take part based on the written examination results:

From districts with up to 20 schools, the top 3 students will be selected.

From districts with up to 50 schools, the top 5 students will be selected.

From districts with above 50 schools, the top 7 students will be selected.

The State level Examination will be held in month of October 2024.

At the State level, each participant will attend a three-day course in Kohima.

Further details of the two stages of the SETE will be notified at a later date.

State level Prizes: The winners will receive Cash Prizes and Certificates. And all participants will be given Certificates of Participation.

All institutions are therefore requested to encourage their students to participate and take advantage of this excellent opportunity to showcase their talents and contribute to the future of STEM.


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