The Angami Baptist Church Council (ABCC) Quinquennial Conference commenced today at the ABCC mission compound. The inaugural programme featured a flag hoisting ceremony representing all 111 affiliated churches.
During the ceremony, flags from each church were displayed, followed by a march of the congregation to the Local Ground in Kohima for the main venue.
ABCC Executive Director Rev.Dr. Rachülie Vihienuo, in his brief speech, emphasized the significance of the flag hoisting, noting that the march symbolizes our faith and beliefs and recalling the legacy of Nagaland’s first missionaries.
A mass prayer took place before the ceremony, and the day concluded with the congregation marching to the local ground for the main event.
The first day of the conference is specifically dedicated to the leaders of the 111 churches, featuring an exclusive Focus Group program for all church departments.
The morning service featured Rev. Dr. Rachülie Vihienuo, Executive Director of ABCC, as the speaker. He addressed the theme “The Church of Christ: Prepare for Renewal.” In the evening, Rev. Dr. Ashok Andrews, Pastor of Kolkata Bible Church, shared a message centered on the theme “The Church of Christ: Renewed to Endure.”
Additionally, the youth from Khedi Baptist Church performed a melodious song during the flag hoisting ceremony.