The Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (Personnel ‘A’ Branch), in a circular dated 10th March 2025, has invited applications to induction/selection to the IAS cadre of Nagaland from eligible officers serving under the State Government of Nagaland other than the State Civil Service/State Police Service/State Forest Service and State Judicial Service to fill up 1 (one) post of IAS for the Select List 2024.
It informed that applications along with service details/bio-data and complete ACR/APARs dossiers and duly recommended by the respective AHoDs should be submitted to the Commissioner & Secretary, Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of the circular.
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Eligibility criteria:
- Officers not belonging to the State Civil Service but serving in connection with the affairs of the State who:
- Is of outstanding merit and ability,
- Holds a gazetted post in a substantive capacity,
- Has completed not less than 8 (eight) years of continuous service under the State Government on the first day of January 2024 in a post which has been declared equivalent to the post of Deputy Collector in the State Civil Service.
- The upper age limit will be 56 years as on 01.01.2024 i.e. the date of determination of Select List 2024.
- Officers with adverse remarks in the APAR or pending disciplinary/criminal cases should not be recommended.
- Only officers recruited through the Nagaland Public Service Commission may apply.