Geospatial Exposure trip of Northfield school to Nagaland GIS & Remote Sensing Centre

Kohima: The objective of the exposure trip was to equip student and teachers with the basic concepts and hands-on experience of the geospatial technology and its applications

BY | Friday, 18 November, 2022

73 students of Northfield School Kohima, visited the Nagaland Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Centre (NGISRSC) on 17 November 2022. The exposure trip was part of the initiative from the centre to promote geospatial knowledge and skills that are much needed across various sectors.

The objective of the exposure trip was to equip student and teachers with the basic concepts and hands-on experience of the geospatial technology and its applications.

NGISRSC stated that preparing and educating the younger generation would benefit and contribute towards space-based technology and its applications.

This program would also push the participation and contribution of young students towards the vision of being a geospatially enabled state.

The activities included: the services and its activities of NGISRSC; an overview of the Indian Space Programme; Concepts of GIS & Remote Sensing; Geography of Nagaland; Geomorphology of Nagaland; GPS and Google Earth Interface; UAV/ Drone Technology; Hands on practical – drone operations and piloting.

NGISRSC is acting as an apex body of the state for space technology applications such as Remote Sensing, GIS, Photogrammetry, IT & ICT. The centre is a state geospatial resource hub and the repository of various thematic layers; geospatial applications satellite imageries, most modern hardware and software (Image Processing, GIS, GPS /DGPS) installations in addition to a team of scientists and technical staff.

NGISRSC provides full spectrum of innovative geospatial services and solutions, application softwares, geospatial data engineering and analytics services to facilitate all line departments, resource managers, planners and decision makers for sustainable development planning activities in the state of Nagaland.



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