A lost and found box in Tsuwao where even children return back lost sweets


BY | Monday, 11 December, 2023

Sometimes, ‘Little Things’ which are left unbothered, because of its perceived insignificance and triviality, becomes mightily impactful than all sets of ‘Rules and Laws’ which are constructed to make things right. And just like that, it is the ‘Little Things’ that steadily becomes great things. Sometimes, it is simply an ordinary person taking a mission for extraordinary purpose which can change the world to be a better place.


If Honesty is a picture, then, it is the “Lost and Found” box attached against the fence somewhere in a small village called Tsuwao. A quaint little village comprising of about place 141 households, Tsuwao village comes under the Panso circle of Noklak District.


Nagaland Tribune spotted the ‘Lost And Found’ Box at Tsuwao village which holds in it the value of teaching ‘Honesty’ to anyone who comes across it.


Behind the mission of the box is 37 year old Isak from Tsuwao Village who felt the need to install a sense of morality especially among the children because they are the future of tomorrow. Isak initiated the idea years ago and by keeping a simple box where any kind of lost items can be put back in. He says that this will teach children to grow with honesty in themselves.

“People come and place it in the box , anything, be it a key, accessories, a rupee or even a sweet, etc,”Isak gladly says. In other words, the whole village is on a commision to create a better place to live.


Isak further says that if any thing is lost within the circle of Tsuwao village, they are never worried because they always hope that the lost item will surely be found in the Lost and Found box. Likewise, things are always recovered again.

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“If anyone loses any thing, information is given in the church, and the finders would return to the owner and if the owner is unknown, they place it in the box”, says Isak.

It’s main purpose is also to prevent children from indulging in illegal and dishonest activities by allowing and teaching them to learn the value of honesty.

It is learnt that sometimes children put back sweets which is a supposed lost item in the box and this reflects how untainted their minds are and, that the future is in better hands. While the world often battles with the choice between good and evil, Tsuwao village is winning the war simply by showing each other in doing the right thing.

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