Advisor Kekhrie Yhome urges Nagaland students to be creative without limits, to think without bounds

Kohima: DoSE director stresses on need for more interactions between teacher and students

BY | Thursday, 27 July, 2023

Advisor for School Education and SCERT, Dr Kekhrielhoulie Yhome has encouraged students in Nagaland to be creative without any limits and to think without bounds.

The Advisor was addressing the State Level Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition-2023 organised by the Directorate of School Education in collaboration with the District Education Office, Kohima at Ura Academy Hall, Kohima on Thursday, DIPR informed. The theme of the exhibition was “Technology and Toys”.

Speaking on the occasion as the Special Guest, Dr Yhome stated that toys bring excitement to children and also make them inquisitive to know the idea behind the toy. He said toys are a great tool to teach children various things. Stressing the importance of science and technology in today’s world, he said it has eased everyday life and made it less complicated. He added that technology should be used for the goodness of humanity.

Dr Yhome said the Naga society has come a long way from the head-hunting culture to catching up with the rest of the world in a short span of time. He stated that there is a need for exemplary leaders with a strong narrative to lead society.

Director, Directorate of School Education, Government of Nagaland, Wonthungo Tsopoe also spoke during the programme. He thanked the participating schools for being part of the exhibition despite the short notice. He said the exhibition was organised on the directive from the Education Ministry at the centre.

Tsopoe highlighted that one-way teaching where only the teacher teaches is still prevalent in the State and commented on the need for more interactions between the teacher and students. He called upon the teachers to give their best and nurture the students.

Chief Mentor, Innovation Hub and Space Education Center, Nagaland Science Centre, Onongoto Solehol gave the expert talk on the theme “Technology and Toys”.

Patricia Vizo delivered the welcome address while a vote of thanks was proposed by Assistant Director, School Education, Gloria Ezung.

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