The Ao Kaketshir Telongjem Kohima (AKTK) celebrated its Students’ Day cum Cultural Programme under the theme ‘Sobaliba aser Shisaliok Lirometema’ on 2nd October 2024 with Senior Advocate Gauhati High Court Kohima Bench, C.T. Jamir as the Special Guest at Molu Ki Kohima.
Addressing the students on the importance of Culture and Education, C.T. Jamir said both culture and education together can take a person forward, as they go hand in hand and cannot sway differently. On the importance to preserve culture, Jamir emphasised that one should love one’s ancestral place by using one’s talent to benefit its people and the place, practicing the exogamous marriage system of Ao marriages, understanding the importance of one’s mother tongue as our identity, and being hardworking and truthful as the ancestors did that and had benefitted the community. He also stated that since culture is an ongoing process, it keeps changing with the change of times, and becomes suitable for a community where many valuable lessons can be learnt.
Jamir, also stressing on the importance of education and pointed out that our state have many job avenues, but many of the educated youths are unemployed as they opt only for government jobs, to which he said, with the change of time, the mindset of both parents and children should also change. He added that being educated, one should make an assessment or choice in which field to choose a career and also know about the aspects of different jobs and profession. He therefore called upon them that in a profession or job, one should work hard, endure all the troubles and pains, and step out of the comfort zones and should be prepared to lead the future.
President, Kohima Ao Telongjem, T. Chubayanger in his short speech, deliberated that without mother tongue there can be no culture, as one’s mother tongue confirms one’s identity and community he or she belongs to. He said many of the youths today feel that language is only for communication and least importance is given to one’s mother tongue, but he defined that if a person cannot speak one’s own mother tongue, he or she will not be proud of his culture and tradition, and soon lose his identity and become a castaway from one’s own community. He therefore urged all, to seriously put our efforts to preserve and give importance to our mother tongue.
He also pointed out that many of us today blame the system for one’s discontentment, but he lauded if one changes one’s direction and vision, he or she can become a self-search person to see the capability and the potentiality they have within themselves that can determine them to venture out to become the person they wanted to be.
During the programme eight students from Kohima who have topped the HSLC and HSSLC Examination 2024 were awarded the AKTK Meritorious Award.
Welcome address was delivered by President AKTK, Sentilong Longchar while the vote of thanks was proposed by General Secretary AKTK, Moasunep. The function was marked with folksongs, folk dance and special song.