Assam Rifles join Aoleang festivities at Yangkhao village in Mon

Mon: The Tuensang Battalion of the Assam Rifles conducted “We Care Campaign” for Yangkhao village

BY | Tuesday, 4 April, 2023
Tuensang Battalion of the Assam Rifles taking part in the Aoleang festival celebration at Yangkhao Village, Mon on 4 April 2023.

The troops of the Assam Rifles attended the Aoleang festival celebration organised by Yangkhao Village in Mon district on Tuesday. Over 500 people from the neighbouring villages of Eyang, Shingnyu, Y Changlu and Tamkong also joined in the festivities at the village.

On the occasion, the Tuensang Battalion of the Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ 7 Sector Assam Rifles, HQ Inspector General Assam Rifles (North) conducted “We Care Campaign” for Yangkhao village where the AR assisted the villagers with medical supplies and other necessary items.

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Special presentations were made by the local women organisation and the pastors of the church. The celebration also marked the beginning of Alih women’s volleyball tournament. The Coy Cdr addressed the young buds taking part in the tournament and thanked all the villagers and local authorities for inviting Assam Rifles for the fest.

Further, cash assistance was also granted by Assam Rifles for the Konyak Nyupuh Sheko Khong (KNSK) women organisation and Yangkhao Students’ Union.

The troops of Assam rifles were highly appreciated by the Village Council for their development projects and assistance in form of aids for sports and education in the village.

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