ATMA organises Farmer-Scientist interaction at Ahthibung, Peren

Athibung: The resource persons also sensitized the Farmers on FPOs and their importance in solving marketing related issue

BY | Monday, 8 May, 2023

ATMA Peren, Ahthibung block conducted “Farmer-Scientist interaction” at Ahthibung Town Hall, Ahthibung, Peren on 28 April 2023. The objective was to bridge the gap between Technical experts & Farmers and to imbibe them with appropriate relevant information.

ATMA informed that the program started with an Invocation prayer by one of the participants. The chairperson of the event, Laihoichong Singson, Block Technology Manager (BTM), delivered welcome address who advised the participants to take opportunities of such programme to equip themselves with technical knowledge and information so as to improve their Socio economic status in the process.

The Technical Session was conducted out in two sessions wherein the First session involved the discussion on the topic, “Important Diseases of Livestock management” delivered by Dr L Babita Devi CTO (Animal Science), KVK Peren and “Seasonal Vegetable cultivation for income generation” by Dr Patu K Zeliang ACTO (PBG) KVK Peren, ICAR Nagaland Centre.

The second session involved an active interaction between the participating farmers and the resource person. Various Topics were discussed in the interaction session based on farm related issues put forward by the participants.

The resource persons also sensitized the Farmers on Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) and their importance in solving marketing related issue. The farmers were encouraged to consider forming Farmer Producer Groups (FPGs) and to take part in the existing FPOs.

The program concluded with ‘vote of thanks’ proposed by ATM, Miss Lireni Lotha. This was followed by Photo session and refreshment. Altogether, 40 farmers attended the program and participated in the interaction session.

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