Bee Tourism in Nagaland: NBHM to introduce apitourism for the first time

BY | Tuesday, 28 November, 2023

This Hornbill Festival, the Nagaland Beekeeping and Honey Mission (NBHM) will be introducing a bee-focused travel experience for the first time in Nagaland.

The Bee Tourism initiated by the NBHM has been introduced to showcase the state’s rich beekeeping tradition and unique beekeeping practices found in Nagaland.

Announcing the news at a press briefing on Monday at the Multi Utility Centre, Sovima, Obed Quinker, Chairman of NBHM, apprised that the bee tourism will provide firsthand experience to the visitors and a learning experience to bee lovers and honey aficionados to encounter live bee colonies from the practitioners of beekeeping, besides honey extraction.

The apitourism however, will cover only one village-Mima village- under Kohima district which is 3 km away from Kisama Heritage village. With Mima being recognized as the honey village, Quinker stated that this will boost the economy of the State and put the spotlight on Mima village for the first time during the Hornbill Festival through the NBHM.

The Bee Tourism will be held at the Bee Farm in Mima village, said Sentiyanger Aier, member NHBM team, where the tourists would be taken and given firsthand experience on beekeeping and extraction.

Conceptualising it as ‘the Bee and Honey trails to Mima village’ the trails will be held in collaboration with Mima Village Beekeeping Committee, Mima Tourism Committee and the Nagaland Tourist Association. Abu Metha, Advisor to Chief Minister and Chairman, IDAN will flag off the Bee and Honey Traols on November 29 at 3 p.m. from Kisama.

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The NBHM will also be introducing the Honey Hub stall to showcase its products at the Hornbill Festival, informed Quinker, mentioning that the department is working towards making the Honey Hub a permanent appearance every year from December 1 to 10 at Kisama. The Honey Hub would be inaugurated on December 1, Quinker himself at the Kisama Heritage village. 16 districts will be participating in the Bee Hub where visitors will be provided with the choice of tasting the different varieties of honey and also buy from the beekeepers lending their support to their trade and enterprise.

The 5th edition of the Nagaland Honey Bee Day 2023 will be commemorated on December 5 at 10.30 a.m, stated Quinker, which will be inaugurated by TR Zeliang x Deputy Chief Minister, Planning and Transformation and National Highways. The Honey Bee Day will pay tribute to the hardworking honeybees, beekeepers and supporters for their relentless efforts and achievements.

“The NBHM is looking forward to serving the people of the state. All this has been possible due to the leadership of Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio,” maintained Quinker.

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