BJP’s UCC is foundation for totalitarian rule, 14th NLA must reject Bill: NPF leader Nienu

Kohima: To impose UCC is to dismiss Naga culture as primitive, uncivilised and inhuman and question Nagas’ ability to find solution from within, Nienu says

BY | Monday, 11 September, 2023

Leader of NPF Legislature party, MLA Kuzholuzo Nienu initiating discussion on matters of urgent public importance under Rule-50 pertaining to “Uniform Civil Code”, strongly opposing the implementation of UCC in the state said, it is a subject matter propounded by BJP (RSS) which is deeply rooted in Hindutva, it is the foundation for totalitarian rule by a dictator.

Pointing out that Uniform Law and Dictatorship are two sides of a coin, he said people have witnessed in the past that only dictators have enforced Uniform Law successfully.

He urged the August House not to rely on verbal assurances of the central leaders but to pass a resolution rejecting the Bill in Toto during the 2nd Assembly Session of the 14th House.

Nienu expressed fear that UCC will remove pluralism and diversity and thereby, it will fulfil BJP (RSS) one nation, one religion and one cultural dream, “that means the country is heading for a dictatorship rule if UCC is enforced throughout the country. Either that will be the end of minorities or disintegration of India, where our rights and equality will be forgone,” he said.

“…any attempt to force it on the diverse communities across the country will be futile and counterproductive. It is a direct threat, to the fabric of a communitarian tribal ethos and values,” said Nienu.

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The Naga People’s Front MLA was of the view that to impose UCC on Nagas, is to dismiss Naga culture as primitive, uncivilised and inhuman and question Nagas’ ability to find a solution from within to address human problems including rights and equality and to contribute to nation building at large.

Nienu also underlined that to impose UCC is to go against the basic norms and the preconditions that have gone into the making of the Indian constitution itself like diversity, unity, federalism, secularism, etc., adding that it ignores the rich and complex historical background of the nation against which the constitution was written.

He remarked that Indian Government is betraying the hope and trust of the minorities, especially the tribal communities, for whom constitutional provisions, like article 371(A) or Sixth Schedule, have been provided to protect and promote our customs, values and practices, things which have given us a sense of identity, worth, belongingness and purpose.

“It is high time we do away with elements of hegemony and imperialism that only sow seeds of division and distrust. As a legislator and representative of a tribal community from Nagaland, I stand to vehemently oppose any threat, be it modern western individualistic or Indian majoritarian values and ethos, which are not only incompatible but also pose a threat to our tribal communitarian ethos and values,” said Nienu.

Read more: UCC betrays hope and trust of minorities: Nagaland MLA Kuzholuzo Nienu

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