Book release: ‘AMAJOK aser tanga otsütem’ by Maongienla sheds light on women’s struggles

Mokokchung: Although the stories do not explicitly state it, readers can connect threads that tie them together, book reviewer says

BY | Saturday, 5 August, 2023
Dr. I. Wati Imchen (L), Author Maongienla (C) and Rev. Dr. M. Rongsen (R) at the book release on 5 August 2023

In a remarkable literary event, the book ‘AMAJOK aser tanga otsütem’ was released at the Conference Hall of Fazl Ali College, Mokokchung on Saturday. Penned by Maongienla, Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Fazl Ali College (FAC), the book comprises a collection of short stories written in Ao.

Rev. Dr. M. Rongsen, President of Ao Riju, had the honour of unveiling the book, while Lima Lemdor, Pastor of FAC Union Church, conducted the dedicatory prayer, invoking blessings upon the author and her work.

In his welcoming address, Dr. I. Wati Imchen, Principal of FAC, expressed gratitude to the author for selecting FAC for the book’s release and extended a warm welcome to all attendees.

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Maongienla, during her speech, acknowledged the individuals who played crucial roles in bringing her book to fruition. She expressed heartfelt thanks to two of her former students, who contributed to the design of the book cover and illustrations. Additionally, Maongienla expressed her deep appreciation to the Department of English at FAC for their unwavering support during the writing process.

The book’s reviewer, Bendangsenla, Associate Professor in the Department of English at FAC, sharing her insights, revealed that ‘AMAJOK aser tanga Otsütem’ stands apart from other short story collections as it revolves around a character named Aonaro. Although the stories do not explicitly state it, readers can connect the threads that tie them together. Bendangsenla highlighted that the book’s unique strength lies in the portrayal of characters through their ways and behaviours, unfolding their biographies without overt explanation. The characters serve as authentic voices, detached from the author’s agenda.

Furthermore, Bendangsenla lauded the book for capturing the struggles faced by housewives and addressing the prevalent feeling of lack that women endure in society.

The event, gracefully chaired by Repabenla, Assistant Professor in the Department of Ao at FAC, concluded with the announcement that ‘AMAJOK aser tanga otsütem’ is now available for purchase on the Amazon website.

The book’s release signifies a significant contribution to literature, shedding light on the experiences and challenges of women through artful storytelling.

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