Breaking the cycle of violence at home: One day awareness campaign held in Tuensang


BY | Monday, 27 November, 2023

A One day awareness campaign was held by District Administration Sakhi one stop centre Tuensang and DHEW Tuensang in collaboration with Changsao Thangjam Setshang (CTS) under the theme “Breaking the cycle of violence at home” on November 26 at Tuensang Baptist Lashong.

In the first session, Resource person Beigu Phom, Psychiatric social worker, talked about the importance of mental health, children’s mental illness, and other signs and symptoms.

Phom urged the parents to have some ideas about the mental illness, so that it can help their children to overcome mental health issues and guide them in a right way.

In the second session, he spoke drug abuse and its impact in the community where he highlighted that the family and parents should play an effective role in the society with drugs abuse increasing rapidly. With drug addiction becoming a menace, Phom also stated that the need to support and help people living with drugs

He encouraged the parents to play an important role in the family and create a strong relationship among the children and teach them about the negative impact of drugs use and that parents should be role models for their children.

Chulongla, Centre Administrator Sakhi One Stop Centre Tuensang, spoke on the cycle of violence where, she said that gender based violence can happen to any girl or women, anytime, anywhere. “It can occur in private and public space. Unfortunately majority of cases related to offence against women go unreported out of fear. Vulnerable women and children continue to be victims of abuse due to lack of awareness,” stated Chulongla.

She highlighted some forms of violence: Child sexual abuse, domestic violence, human trafficking and harassment at work place or home.

P. Herola, Case worker Sakhi one stop centre Tuensang, shared on the legal awareness on women. Herola stated that while we are all entitled to human rights, but across the globe many women and girls still face violence and discrimination on the basis of sex and gender.

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She classified the rights of women in two categories that is constitutional rights and legal rights. She also talked about grassroots movement which have done so much to effect change.

“When everyone comes together to support women’s rights then society gets better for. When women’s rights are upheld and taken seriously,we all can do it together,the government alone is not possible,” said Herola adding that all men and women are equally responsible and has power to impact someone’s life..

Earlier the programme was chaired by L.Narola,Joint Secretary CTS, and the welcome note delivered from C.Asenla, President,CTS.

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