Buniyadi Shiksha Abhiyan (BSA) was launched by Y P Singh, DEO In-charge & Senior Principal GHSS Kiphire, on 15 September at GMS PHED Ward, Kiphire Town.
BSA is an initiative of Aspirational District Collaborative, Piramal Foundation, to help accelerate NIPUN BHARAT, a national initiative for proficiency in reading with Understanding and Numeracy.
Piramal Foundation through its demo school intervention will improve the quality of education in primary grades through foundational Literacy and numeracy (FLN). The involvement of community in addition to the teachers will give equal importance while creating volunteers to make it successful in a larger scale.
Piramal Foundation through demo school intervention will improve the quality of education in primary grades through Foundation Literacy and Numeracy (FLN).
A briefing on BSA campaign was shared by Litsa, District lead Piramal Foundation and Asepa Sangtam, TOT and coordinator EBRC Kiphire, spoke on the foundation literacy and Numeracy (FLN) benefits for students.