Choose Life Not Drugs: Longwa village resolves to continue fight against drugs, alcohol

Longwa (Mon): Council gives very strong warning to people involved in peddling of drugs and alcohol within village premises

BY | Thursday, 23 November, 2023

Longwa Village Council (LVC) in collaboration with Longwa Students’ Union, Longwa Baptist Church, Longwa Nyupuh Sheko Khong, Longwa Village Guard Post and Gospel Outreach Ministry Mon organised an Awareness Program on Drug Abuse where they resolved to continue its fight against all forms of social evil especially drugs and alcohol.

The event on Thursday was held under the theme “Choose Life not Drugs” at Local Ground, Longwa Village, Mon. Around 1900 villagers led by the Chief Angh attended the day-long seminar, LVC Chairman C. Noklem Konyak and Secretary Longhi informed in a press release.

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The Officials from Gospel Outreach Ministry Mon led by Awok the President, Wanto Finance Secretary and Juiwang Angh Member, were the Resource Persons for the event. The Resource Persons shared their testimonies about being the victims of drugs and alcohol in the past and also highlighted the adverse effects of drugs and alcohol on self, family any society and ways to get rid of such addictions.

In the press release, LVC emphasised the need of ‘Check Gates’ in the village, stating that being strategically located at the International Border of India and Myanmar and also sharing Inter-State boundary with Arunachal Pradesh, it is easy for the peddlers to illegally import drugs and alcohol into Longwa village from where they also sell out to other places.

Despite many efforts put by the Village Council, church, civil organisations and the VG Post, the flow of drugs and alcohol in the village is prevalent especially due to the absence of check gates and the fact that the village is surrounded by dense jungles through which the peddlers make their own route, LVC added.

Through the event, Longwa Village Council gave a “very strong warning” to the people involved in peddling of drugs and alcohol within the village premises. The council also sought cooperation from the villagers in their continuous fight against social evils, for the greater good of the community.

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