Delhi ENSU raises concern on rise in sex trafficking cases involving people from Eastern Nagaland villages

New Delhi: DENSU urges community to raise awareness, take proactive measures to protect our youth and vulnerable members

BY | Monday, 22 July, 2024

The Delhi Eastern Nagaland Students Union (DENSU) has expressed its concern on the alarming increase in cases of sex trafficking targeting innocent victims from remote villages in Eastern Nagaland and called for immediate attention and collective action to address the issue.

It stated: “In recent months, we have witnessed a disturbing trend where traffickers have been preying upon our community’s youth and vulnerable individuals. These individuals, often seeking better opportunities and lured by false promises of employment or education in urban centres (metropolitan cities), are instead coerced into situations of sexual exploitation and slavery.”

Emphasising on the gravity of the situation, DENSU urged the community “to raise awareness, educate ourselves and our neighbors about the signs of trafficking, and take proactive measures to protect our youth and vulnerable members.”

Furthermore, the Union strongly condemned and warned individuals involved in these exploitative practices to cease their activities immediately. “Know that our community is vigilant and committed to protecting its members from harm. We will work tirelessly with law enforcement, community leaders, and support organizations to identify and prosecute those who engage in trafficking and exploitation,” DENSU stated.

The student body has further appealed concerned citizens to report suspicious activities to any of the following office bearers of the union:

  1. YM Shongna Konyak, President +91 7630914847
  2. Alun L. Khiungru, General Secretary +91 9560734985

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