Dept of Evaluation conducts programme on ‘Sensitization on Evaluation Activity’ at Noklak

Noklak: Dept urges village leaders to be truthful, factual and transparent in giving information

BY | Thursday, 13 June, 2024

The Directorate of Evaluation, Kohima, Nagaland, organised a programme on ‘Sensitisation on Evaluation Activity’ at Tourist Lodge, Noklak, on Thursday. The programme was attended by B. Rendysowa Ao, Director, Department of Evaluation, Z. Renchamo Odyuo, Additional Director and Deputy Commissioner, Noklak, Arikumba, NCS.

The Director, in his keynote address, briefed the Village Council chairmen and VDB Secretaries about what the Department of Evaluation does and their functions. B. Rendysowa Ao also informed the gathering that the office of the Evaluation will soon be constructed in Noklak District.

Z. Renchamo Odyuo, Additional Director, in his speech, also exponded that the Department is a fact finding department which tries to evaluate different schemes and programmes and their effectiveness at the village level. The department put up their factual evaluation to the state government for further improvement of the project and schemes, he added.

Odyuo requested the gathering to be truthful, factual and transparent in giving information to the Department and also informed that the reports that are sent to the government act like the image of the district and villages and act like a mirror.

Deputy Commissioner, Noklak, Arikumba, NCS requested the gatherings to give full co-operation towards the Department and incorporate in the evaluation process of different schemes and programmes at the village level. He also requested the Department to lead with the poor means of transport and road conditions. Further, the DC asked the Village chairmen and Secretaries to maintain a peaceful environment within the village and between villages for government activities and developments

A total of 14-member team led by Director, Additional Director, Joint Director Veshietso Kotso and Deputy Director Shellem visited Noklak District for the programme.

Village Council chairmen and VDB Secretaries of Noklak District attended the sensitization programme. Panpan, VCC, Noklak Village and Penchang,VDB Secretary, Kingnio Village spoke on behalf of the gathering.

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