Dimapur Rengma and Lotha students’ unions oppose to inclusion of non-Naga representation in DMC

Dimapur: We seek to coexist harmoniously, not to be governed by outsiders: DLSU

BY | Saturday, 24 August, 2024

In solidarity with the Dimapur Naga Students’ Union (DNSU), the Dimapur Rengma Students’ Union (DRSU) and the Dimapur Lotha Students’ Union (DLSU) have opposed the inclusion of non-Naga representation in Dimapur Municipal Council.

In a press release, the DRSU has stated that such as step would undermine the rights and interest of the Naga people in Dimapur and expected the Council “to prioritize the needs and aspirations of the Naga community, who have been the indigenous inhabitants of this land for centuries.”

President Thankeya Seb and General Secretary Esther Khing affirmed that DRSU will stand firm in this commitment to protecting the identity, culture, and traditions of the Naga people and that it will continue to work closely with the DNSU and other like-minded organization to ensure the rights of the Naga people are safeguarded and promoted.

Further, the Union appealed to the authorities to refrain from taking any decision that may compromise the interest of the community.

Meanwhile, the Dimapur Lotha Students’ Union (DLSU) too said that the proposal undermines the moral integrity of the Naga people. “We would like to remind the state government that Article 371(A) is a fundamental right, safeguarded by the blood and sacrifices of our ancestors, and should not be treated as merely symbolic”, it stated.

President Chumnran Humtsoe and General Secretary Hachithung Ngullie further urged the newly elected members of the DMC to prioritize the welfare of the Naga people, respecting our sentiments and maintaining peace and harmony. “We seek to coexist harmoniously, not to be governed by outsiders,” DLSU stated.

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