Directorate of Economics & Statistics conducts induction training

BY | Friday, 26 July, 2024

A three-day Induction Training on Office Procedures and Official Statistics for the new recruits through NPSC and NSSB conducted by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland commenced on July 24 .

The program was Inaugu’ated by Director, Economics & Statistics Neidilhou Keditsu at the directorate conference hall where a total of 18 trainees attended the training.

In his inaugural address, the Director stated that the Department of Economics and Statistics is a progressive department and encouraged the newly recruited staff to work sincerely to take the Department forward.

He mentioned that in order to understand the activities of the department, induction training is conducted every year for the new recruits.

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The training Is an effective way of learning new things and is a stepping stone to success for any activities, stated Keditsu who encouraged the trainees to attend the training seriously so as to enhance their knowledge and capabilities which will help in their official assignments.

The resource person for the office procedures was Under Secretary, Economics & Statistics Department, Rhonthungo Andreas while the programme was chaired by Deputy Director Kezhalelhou Solo.

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