In pursuance of the Election Commission of India (ECI)’s Letter dated 16th March 2024, a Screening Committee to examine the proposals related to Model Code of Conduct (MCC), has been constituted. The Committee shall be chaired by the Chief Secretary, Nagaland and shall have the following composition:
1) The Chief Secretary, Government of Nagaland : Chairman
2) The Principal Secretary, Department of Home : Member-Secretary
3) Administrative Head of Department submitting : Member
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MCC proposal.
The Screening Committee shall: Examine each proposal related to MCC in the light of the ECl’s existing instruction/clarification available in the form of Manual on Mode! Code of Conduct/Compendium of Instructions available on the ECI website. Submit the proposals cleared along with full details of the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO), Nagaland. A note on urgency i.e., why the proposal cannot wait till completion of Poll/Election shall also be attached.
Departments are advised not to forward any reference directly to the ECI. Further, they shall not send original file to the CEO’s Office. Only a self-contained reference of approved proposals shall be sent. The CEO shall forward to the ECI, only such proposal(s) that are cleared by the Screening Committee, along with his comments.