Emphasis on increased awareness, education on family planning at World Population Day program at Noklak

Noklak: CMO urges citizens to approach District Hospital, Sub Centres, health workers and ASHAs for family planning services

BY | Tuesday, 11 July, 2023
State Level World Population Day program at White Hall, Noklak Village on 11 July 2023

State Level World Population Day was observed in Noklak on Tuesday in a program organised by District Administration, CMO Noklak, Family Planning Association (FPA) India, Nagaland Branch under the Aegis of Department of Health & Family Welfare, Nagaland at White Hall, Noklak Village.

Noklak Deputy Commissioner Arikumba, NCS, addressing the gathering as the Special Guest, asserted that more population leads to more problems. He stated that lack of family planning and awareness, early marriage and lack of education are the factors that cause uncontrolled and unplanned overpopulation.

Noklak Deputy Commissioner, Arikumba, NCS

Further, the DC pointed out the effects of over population such as resource depletion, unemployment, food and nutrition problems, threat to wildlife etc.  Stating that the prevalent issues related to population growth is also accelerating alarmingly due to the rise of population, the DC urged the gathering to keep efforts in spreading awareness to make things better.

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He mentioned that World Population Day is a global event which is observed annually on 11th July that seeks to raise awareness of global population issues such as the importance of planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health and human rights.

World Population Day is a significant event that also highlights the importance of addressing population issues to promote sustainable development and improve the lives of people worldwide, Arikumba said, adding that it aims to reduce poverty, improve health outcomes and promote sustainable development by promoting education, healthcare and equal opportunities for women and girls.

Vincent Belho, General Manager, FPA India, Nagaland Branch

Vincent Belho, General Manager, FPA India, Nagaland Branch while explaining on Total Fertility Rate (TFR) referred to a statistical measure used to estimate the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime in a given population. He elaborated that TFR is influenced by various factors including cultural norms, socio-economic conditions, education levels, availability of contraception, government policies and women empowerment.

Belho explained on key benefits of family planning that includes empowering individuals, improving maternal and child health, enhancing economic well-being, promoting education, reduction in population growth, preventing unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion and protecting the environment.

Belho also stressed the need to improve family planning services and access in rural areas that require new direction and comprehensive approach that addresses the unique challenges faced by rural communities. He elaborated some suggestive measures to enhance family planning in rural areas such as increased awareness and education, expand access to family planning services, overcome logistics challenges, train and support healthcare providers, tailor services to local needs and cultural context, address cost barriers, foster partnership and collaborations, and emphasise male involvement.

Dr. Victor NC, CMO cum MS, Noklak

Dr. Victor NC, Chief Medical Officer cum Medical Superintendent, Noklak, speaking on medical services on family planning, mentioned that family planning helps reduce maternal and infant mortality rates by enabling women to plan and space their pregnancies. Adequate spacing between pregnancies allows women to recover fully and reduces the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. It also leads to healthier babies, as women can optimise their health and seek appropriate prenatal care, Dr Victor highlighted.

On the medical services available in the district, the CMO said that one can approach District Hospital, Sub Centres, health workers and ASHAs. He also elaborated in detail temporary methods like child spacing, copper-T, condoms, oral contraceptive pills, etc and also explained tubectomy and vasectomy which are permanent methods on family planning.

Vice President, Khiamniungan Tribal Council, TL Khaoshai, President Khiamniungan Students Union, Shangchiu and Vice- President Khiamniungan Menyiu Hoikam Keshe also spoke during the occasion.

Earlier, the program was chaired by Hosea NS Lam, DPM, District Hospital Noklak and a special song was presented by Tsuken S.

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