Ending patriarchy requires money on the table: António Guterres calls for investing in women

United Nations: Women’s rights are proven path to fair, peaceful, prosperous societies, UN Secretary-General

BY | Friday, 8 March, 2024

Today is International Women’s Day. This day was officially recognized by the United Nations as ‘International Women’s Day’ in 1977 to recognize women for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political. IWD is also a platform for creating awareness of gender equality, women’s rights and various gender related issues.

Each year, the UN sets a theme for IWD. This year the theme is ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’.

In his IWD 2024 message, United Nations’ Secretary-General, António Guterres applauded all that have been achieved in the fight for equality but he reminded that there are still “immense obstacles”

“Billions of women and girls face marginalization, injustice and discrimination, while the persistent epidemic of violence against women disgraces humanity,” adding that the “world still reflects millennia of male-dominated power relations.”

We must move faster, Gutteres stressed, stating that at this rate legal equality is some three hundred years away.

He said that this year’s theme, ‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress’, reminds us that ending the patriarchy requires money on the table. The UN Secretary-Genreal underscored the importance of supporting frontal women organisations and in investing in programmes to end violence against women, and to drive women’s inclusion and leadership in economies, digital technologies, peacebuilding and climate action.

He also emphasized the need to increase the number of women leaders in business, finance, central banks and finance ministries which will help drive investments in policies and programmes that respond to women and girls’ needs.

Gutteres appealed for urgent action and asserted that “Women’s rights are a proven path to fair, peaceful, prosperous societies. It is good for us all.”

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