Experiencing God Together Through Prayer: NBCC calls for 12 hours of prayer

BY | Friday, 16 February, 2024

The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) has called for 12 hours of a concerted prayer on February 24, Saturday from 6:00am to 6:00pm. In a press release issued by Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary, NBCC

Stated they the concert of prayer is organized to express and experience the deep levels of unity among the Christians through corporate intercession.

“We are living in a very polarized time where division intrudes every layer of our society, dividing even close friends and family members. The need for the churches to encounter and experience God together through concert of prayer and fasting has become more deliberate and purposeful than ever. As we connect ourselves to each other, let us connect to God in prayer and in supplication making our request known to him,” appealed the NBCC.

The NBCC has urged its constituent churches and members to humble themselves before God and to seek God on behalf of its people. “May we use this day to give thanks to God for His abundant grace, providence and His patience upon our people. At the same time come to Him in confession with a contrite heart for our unworthiness before the Lord,” mentioned the Council.

It expressed hope that the collective prayer will be a time of repentance and commitment to the service of God. Appealing all believers across the state in asking God to open minds and hearts, the Council also hoped that the prayer will seek God for His guidance, wisdom and provision regarding the whole context and our response as Christians.

It further highlighted prayer points for the 12 hours of prayer:

  1. Pray for the unity of the Body of Christ and the leadership of the church.
  2. Pray for the head of our government, the leaders and the policies which will honor God and bring peace and create confidence in the mind of the people.

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  1. Pray for the different political parties in the State for unity of purpose.
  2. Pray for our bureaucrats to judiciously execute policies in honesty and for the welfare of the people.
  3. Pray for the protracted Naga political issue and the leadership.
  4. Pray for honesty, sincerity and transparency of leaders and those working for peace, unity and reconciliation among our people.
  5. Pray for the leadership of Tribal Hohos, Civil Societies and student organizations.
  6. Pray for our children who are in the midst of their board exams and those who are appearing for different exams.
  7. Pray for our missionaries who have gone out of their comfort zone as our representatives.
  8. Pray for the persecuted church and the Christian minority who are often marginalized.
  9. Pray for our children who are in schools and those who cannot afford to go to schools.
  10. Pray for the teachers that they will be sincere in nurturing our children.
  11. Pray for our young people, for meaningful and purposeful life.
  12. Pray for our farmers as they enter into the season of sowing and plantation.
  13. Pray for world peace and those going through war and conflicts
  14. Pray for the renewal of believers with biblically sound spirituality.

“May we use this 12-hour concert time of prayer to intercede for the church, the government, for our land, our leaders and our people,” stated the NBCC requesting everyone to honor the day so that “God will listen to our plea and will rain His blessings to our land”.


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