The annual Literary Day of Baptist College was held on February 15, under the theme “Exploring Art Forms through Experiential Learning” at the college premise in collaboration with the Art and Culture Department, Government of Nagaland.
The formal session was chaired by Dr. Videkhono Yhokha, Convenor, Literary Committee. The program began with an Invocation prayer by Baptist College Chaplain, Tamreimung Chüsi. The welcome note was delivered by the Principal, Dr. Kewepfuzu Lohe, and a special number was presented by Manvü of the 4th semester English Department. Following the introduction of Resource Persons, the formal program ended with the Vote of thanks by Juving Nokhio Lam, member, Literary Committee.
The event had a total of five workshops and a painting/sketching competition. Workshop on “Exploring Museums” with Talitemjen, Guide Lecturer, Art and Culture Department as the resource person, introduced the concept of museums and it’s transition over the years, highlighting the important aspects and the different types of museums.
BCK Literary Day 2025
Panel discussion on “How to Debate?”
The session focused on exploring the Nagaland State Museum which is a combination of art and general museum. Located at Bayavu, Kohima and operated by the Art and Culture Department, the State Museum is an iconic place for repository of Nagaland cultural heritage and one of the most visited tourist destination. First opened to the public on 1st November 1970 as an archaeological, art and craft and ethnographic museum, and since upgraded twice. The first upgrade done in 2007 developed by the Indian Museum Kolkata and the second extension in 2016 under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture which added two galleries. There are a total of 3529 artefacts; 2247 on display and 1282 in storage.
The museum displays artefacts of more than 16 tribes including precious stones, old weaponry, Naga cuisine, traditional attires and images and practices of their culture. The highlight is the models of Naga traditional huts or morung of different tribes. The attires worn during ceremonies as well as musical instruments including a log drum and a single-stringed instrument called Tati are also on display. The museum aims to build a bridge of values between the past and the present through conservation and maintenance of monuments, historic and legendary sites and objects that provide bases for reception of the good that has been thought and done in the past and to derive what is best for the present. Chaired by Dr.Mhabeni, Asst.Professor, Department of History, the session was concluded with a discussion hour with the resource person.
Painting and Sketching competition
The workshop on “Creative Writing” with Konaie Shongdok author/writer as the resource person and chaired by Dr.Sentinaro, Asst.Professor, English Department, focused on the keys of creating a creative framework on writing where the underlying key features such as death, honesty, timeframe, silence, character development, writing between the lines and drafting was explored. The workshop covered practical writing exercises and prompts, where the students actively part took in the activity.
The workshop on “Basics of Poetry Writing” was conducted to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of poetry.
Creative writing workshop
Chaired by Süvilü Venuh, Asst.Professor, English Department, with Dr. Tsenbeni, Asst.Professor, English Department BCK as the resource person, the workshop was attended by 162 students of various departments. According to Dr.Tsenbeni, poetry is the expression of feelings, thoughts and ideas, and that poetry is an art that can be nurtured. She further discussed on the differences between prose and poetry, and shared a few important guidelines of writing a poem, which includes- being observant of surroundings, communicating with people, maintaining a journal and reading more often. Dr. Tsenbeni provided an insight on her experience in poetry writing and shared a few of her original poems written at an early age. The workshop was concluded with a practical activity where participants contributed their original work, where students learned to express their thoughts and feelings confidently and poetically.
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Poetry writing workshop
A panel discussion on “How to Debate” was organized with Kepozo Kapuh, B.A 6th semester, Department of Political Science and Ambassador of St.Joseph College, Jakhama, Kihitoli Kiho,B.A 6th semester, Department of Political Science and Student Council President, BCK and Seyiesilie Vüprü, Asst.Professor, Department of Political Science as the panelists. The discussion emphasized on how to present good and effective arguments, with the panelists sharing the significance of preparedness, communicating effectively, being respectful and able to logically analyse arguments supported by facts. Moreover, the students were encouraged, stating that debating is an art form that takes time, experience, and practice to master. The discussion was moderated by Chubutse Naro, Asst.Professor, Department of History and it concluded with a Q&A session.
A workshop on “Learning About Archives” with Lanukaba Imchen, Research Officer, Art and Culture Department as the resource person was held which aimed to educate students about the significance of archives and their role in preserving historical records. Imchen highlighted the importance of archives as repositories for records that document past events, decisions, and developments.Workshop on archives
He emphasized that archives help maintain a connection to the past and provide essential materials for research, academic studies and learning. He elaborated on the different types of archives, their functions and also explained the methods used to store archival files, providing insights into the types of data preserved in the Nagaland State Archives and explained the proper procedures for accessing them. He highlighted that the archives contain over 20,000 documents related to Nagaland. He also presented some images of the Nagaland State Archives and shared samples of the record indices. Furthermore, Imchen discussed the growing demand for archivist and informed students about the criteria and skills required to pursue a career in this field. He stressed that archives are vital for maintain the continuity of knowledge, culture and legal systems, while also serving as tools for understanding and shaping the future. The session concluded with an engaging Q&A segment. Chaired by Asilie Rürhia, Asst. Professor and Head of History Department, BCK, the workshop was attended by 250 students.
Workshop on museums
The Painting/Sketching Competition was judged by Kevichüto Yhoshü, Fine Arts Teacher, The Vineyard School, L Tshidelong Rüdy, Asst.Professor and Head of Political Science Department, BCK and Dr. Videkhono Yhokha, Convenor, Literary Committee, BCK, declaring Ruokuolezo Rüpreo, 2nd semester Political Science Department, Sechü Campus as the winner, Huvolu Puro, 4th semester, Commerce Department in 2nd position and Puhiu. P 6th semester, History Department in the 3rd position. A total of 25 students participated in the painting/sketching competition.