In an unfortunate incident, a massive fire broke out at Mokokchung Shopping Complex (MMC) around 9:20 pm on Saturday night. After a fierce fight, the fire was doused off by the joint efforts of the Fire Brigade, Assam Rifles and the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF).
The fire completely gutted around ten shops that included garment stores, beauty parlour, etc.
More information on the incident is expected after the ‘emergency meeting’ convened by Deputy Commissioner Mokokchung Thsuvisie Phoji on Sunday at 1:00 pm at DC’s Bungalow, Mokokchung.
Civil society organisations (CSOs) including Ao Senden, Watsü Mungdang, Ao Students’ Conference (AKM), Mokokchung Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI), All Ward Union Mokokchung Town (AWUMT) as well as Police, SDRF and others have been invited to the meeting.