Governor La Ganesan felicitates NCC Girl cadets who took part in Republic Day Parade 2024

Kohima: Rio expresses joy to witness NCC cadets of Nagaland create history by being part of first-ever NCC Girls Brass Band at R-Day

BY | Friday, 23 February, 2024

Nagaland Governor La Ganesan on Friday felicitated the National Cadet Corps Girls cadets from Nagaland who participated were part of the Northeast NCC Girls Brass Band in the Republic Day Parade 2024 at Kartavya Path in New Delhi. Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio and Advisor of Youth Resource & Sports S Keoshu Yimkhiung were also present at the program held at Dr. Imkongliba Ao Hall, Raj Bhavan, Kohima.

In his address, the Governor congratulated the 31 girl cadets for demonstrating their skills at the parade which is the dream of every NCC cadet. He said that the North East Region Directorate is playing a significant role in promoting NCC in the State by providing a broad platform to showcase their talents in both national and international stages. The Governor also commended the Government of Nagaland, Department of Youth Resource & Sports for encouraging the young cadets to strive for excellence and become conscious citizens in the future.

Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio expressed his happiness to witness the NCC cadets of Nagaland create history by being a part of the first-ever NCC Girls Brass Band at the Republic Day. He acknowledged the NCC cadets for making it to the celebration after a long and rigorous training. CM Rio also congratulated North East Region Directorate, NCC Kohima and the various units in the State and expressed confidence that cadets from Nagaland will also get the opportunity to perform and compete at international levels in the future.

At the program organised by the Department of Youth Resource & Sports, Certificate of Appreciation were handed out to all cadets by the Governor.

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