In solidarity with AYO: DAYO condemns NSCN (Khango)

BY | Friday, 2 August, 2024

The Dimapur Ao Youth Organisation (DAYO) has condemned the “audacity” of NSCN (Khango)to issue death sentence based on forceful collection and extortion to a fellow Naga.

It also expressed shock over the turn of event between the NSCN( Khango) and the proprietor of KKB. “When capital punishment is pronounced on K. Rulho a reputed contractor, the onus to mediate and resolve the crisis falls on the Angami Youth Organisation (AYO) as the Apex Youth Body of the Community,” said the DAYO in a press release issued yesterday by President Tia Longchar and Convenor,

Grievances Cell Imkong Aier.

Claiming that such diktak is alien to Naga society and undermined the forefathers sacrifies, who unitedly gave their best for the Naga cause, DAYO stated, “The subsequent reaction of the NSCN (Khango) to the AYO press statement has drawn the battle line between the two entity. Any provocation from either side will drag the Naga society into a cortex of vicious violence.”

Against this backdrop, DAYO extended its solidarity with AYO, to curb the “cancerous growth of 24 factions and still counting whose ideology are now mostly based on spreading fear psychosis and extortion.”

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The organisation also questioned the silence of the Chairman of the Ceasefire Monitoring Group (CFMG) and the Ceasefire Supervisory Board (CFSB). It claimed that the lackadaisical attitude of the CFMG over the years in implementing the ceasefire ground rules, is pushing Nagaland to a state of anarchy.

“The NPGs instead of being in their designated camps are on an extortion spree with the guns issued to numerous cardholders.The patience and endurance of the Naga public against unabated and multiple forced extortion should not be taken as a sign of weakness. The citizens of Nagaland are on the verge meltdown. It just needs a spark to start a public uprising,” cautioned DAYO.

The DAYO further gave a clarion call to all likeminded Naga youth organisations to stand united during this time of socio-political challenges.

“If not now, when? Can Naga youth stand united against neferious forces making a mockery of human values, respect and our indelible history. We will not be found wanting when coming Naga generation seek answers,” asserted the organization.

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