Indian Army organises awareness session on ECHS for ex-servicemen fraternity in Kohima


BY | Wednesday, 29 January, 2025

The Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS), Polyclinic, Kohima, under the aegis of Station Headquarters Zakhama, organised a highly engaging, informative and interaction session with the ex-servicemen fraternity of Kohima and adjoining areas.

In a press release, the PRO (Defence), Kohima, Imphal & Rest of Arunachal Pradesh, informed that the event was organised to spread awareness about the comprehensive healthcare options available under ECHS initiative.

An informative lecture on e-SEHAT application was conducted by Dr M Seyie, Medical Officer, Polyclinic, Kohima. Whereas, an introduction about the SPARSH application was covered by the Officer-in-charge ECHS, Station Cell, Zakhama.

The session was attended by a large number of ex-servicemen. The event concluded with an assurance to continue improving and expanding services for ex-servicemen and their families, making it easier for them to access health care at all stages of life and vote of thanks by Colonel Ranjit Singh (Retired) OIC, ECHS, Polyclinic, Kohima.

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