The office of the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Aghunato in collaboration with the District Hub for Empowerment of Women Zunheboto celebrated International Women’s Day at ADC office, Aghunato, Zunheboto on 8th March 2025, with Councillor, Aghunato Town Council, Elison and Linobo (Sportswomen) as the main speakers.
Underscoring the importance of women empowerment, Elison stressed on financial independence as a tool to liberate women from the bondage of poverty and lack. Taking examples from her own life she encouraged the womenfolk to focus on their mental health and intellectual capabilities in order to succeed in life, adding that they should take full advantage of the constitutional provisions guaranteed to women.
Vinobo who is an accomplished badminton player from Aghunato, narrated various ways in which sports has provided her numerous opportunities for growth. She stated that, she took up badminton as a fulltime commitment three years ago and in the course of time she has been able to bring laurels to the Sub-Division and district as a whole.
EAC, Aghunato, Kathyinla highlighted on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) schemes and key issues faced by the women and girls in Nagaland. She also briefed on the various initiatives taken up by the Government to promote their welfare and called upon all stakeholders to commit to bettering the lives of women and girls through advocacy, awareness and partnership.
As part of the occasion, certificates and cash awards were presented to meritorious students of Aghunato. During the celebration a session on menstrual hygiene was also highlighted after which sanitary napkins were distributed to the women and girls present at the programme.
Head DB, Aghunato Vikuto welcomed the gathering, and Tokhei, LDA ADC Aghunato proposed the vote of thanks.
District Hub for Empowerment of Women (DHEW) Mission Shakti, Department of Social Welfare & District Administration in Collaboration with Yimkhiung Women Organization (YWO) & Self Employed Women Association (SEWA) celebrated International Women’s Day at Cultural Hall, Shamator with the Theme ‘Accelerate Action’ on 8th March 2025. Deputy Commissioner Shamator, Chubatemjen spoke on freedom of women in the society.
Phom Baptist Christian Association (PBCA) Women department in Collaboration with Phomla Hoichem Longleng observed the International Women’s Day on 8th March 2025 under the theme “Accelerate Action” with President (ENWO), Yingphe Konyak as the special guest and EAC Longleng, Imkongnukla Ao as the Guest of Honour at PBCA Convention Hall, Longleng.
All the Churches under Longleng District were part of the celebration and 20 Women Union and its members under apex hoichem participated in the event.
Women Secretary of PBCA, P. Angbhenla Phom in her synopsis of the theme ‘Accelerate Action’ presented very elaborate thoughts on the theme. She said that in order to create gender justice, world women should be included in decision making, writing vision, drafting law and social action. Rights of women which empower and prosper women and her ability should not be shelved and made invisible. She should be allowed to create a better world through her gift, ability, qualifications, her goodness and intelligence, she said.
EAC Longleng, Imkongnukla Ao, who spoke on the event as the Guest of Honour shared that women are doing really well in their leadership and professions like in Church, Politics and Administration. Nagaland is one of the safest places for women in whole over India. Women have always been sacrificial bearing all but she is not weak. She could do all because she is courageous and strong. Successful women in history have always worked hard and they had their own challenges. Men should also learn to live with empowered women. Financial literacy and digital literacy are really important for women because it’s an act of self-empowerment.
The President ENWO, Yingphe Konyak who graced the occasion as the Special Guest thanked God and the Collaborating partner PBCA Women Department and Phomla Hoichem for the success of the program. She said the theme of the program is a reminder that progress for women cannot be delayed and also spoke on social perspective. She urged the gathering women to support each other and strengthen their bound. She felt that decisions taken by leaders and stakeholders should be inclusive and not favouring only to certain groups or gender biased. Pointing that consciously or unconsciously preference for only male child in the kitchen creates wrong society in the world system, she said society where women are deprived will collapse, and encouraged women to be vocal with their rights without self-doubting in decision making. She appealed to all Naga women to remain with oneness and share their vision of unity and love to others.
The celebration was inter-denominational and inter-churches where Ao Baptist Church and Gorkha Baptist Church also presented a celebratory item. Executive Secretary of PBCA, N Tialemba Phom blessed the women members of the district with prayer. Cultural items were presented by women union on zone wise. President of Phomla Hoichem, N Ainyu Phom expressed her gratitude to all the leaders, program participants, volunteering and logistic team, media, apex bodies, and women members who attended the program.
Marking the celebration of International Women’s Day, students of the Department of Political Science, Yingli College organized an outreach program under the theme “Women Empowerment” to spread awareness and inspiring change in the women community on 8th March 2025 at Yachem Village Community Hall, Longleng.
The event witnessed enthusiastic participation from students, faculty members, village council members and women community representatives.
The program was graced by Vice Principal, Yingli College, Dr. B. Henshet Phom, who emphasized the importance of education in empowering women. He highlighted that true empowerment begins with knowledge and self-reliance, encouraging students to actively contribute to creating an equitable society. He also cited an example of the rights of the women in Meghalaya.
Associate Professor, Dr. Mahabir Jha, addressed the gathering shedding light on the social, economic and political barriers that hinder women’s progress. He stressed the need for equal opportunities, skill development, and leadership roles for women in all fields. He remembered the successful women politicians of the state and urged the women community to respect them as their role model.
Moimei K. Phom, representing the students, delivered a compelling speech on the various aspects of women empowerment. Her presentation touched upon the significance of empowering women in various spheres of their life. One of the major highlights of the event was a performance by the 6th semester students, who staged an insightful play focusing on the pivotal role of education in women’s empowerment. The act was very impactful, as it captured the essence of how education can empower women to take control of their futures.
Adding a youthful perspective, Assistant Professor, Yanyak shared inspiring insights on how young individuals can challenge stereotypes and be catalysts for change. He encouraged his peers to advocate for gender equality and support women in their journey toward independence. He also pronounced the vote of thanks and acknowledged all the participants including Village council of Yachem for allowing to use the Village Community Hall for the programme. The event concluded with a collective pledge to work towards a more inclusive and gender-equal society. The programme was chaired by H. Yingli Phom, (6th Sem).