Kohima College completes NAAC Peer Team Onsite Inspection

Kohima: Chairman of Peer Team mentions that Alumni Association is an asset for the college

BY | Thursday, 22 June, 2023

Kohima College, Kohima completed the Peer Team Onsite Inspection conducted by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC). Kohima College underwent the 3rd Cycle of National Assessment and Accreditation on 20th and 21st June 2023, DIPR stated.

The Peer Team members consisted of Prof. Dharmalingam B, Dean, Faculty of Education, Alagappa University, College of Engineering, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu who was the Chairperson of the Peer Team; Prof. KLN Murthy, Registrar, Karnataka State Open University, Mysore, Member Coordinator of the team; and Dr. Gilson John, Principal, St. Joseph’s College, Chalakkudy, Kerala, Member of the team.

On day-one, presentations were delivered by the Principal, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) Coordinator, and the HODs of the college. The Peer Team also visited the facilities of the college and interacted with all the stakeholders concerned – Parents, Alumni, Teachers & Students. The luncheon meeting was attended by the Advisory Board & the Governing Body of the College. The day culminated with a Cultural Programme staged by the students.

On the second day of the assessment, the Peer Team conducted an onsite inspection of the girls and boys hostels, sports facilities, verification of files, and report writing.

The assessment came to a close with the Exit Meeting of the Peer Team chaired by Sungjeminla, IQAC Coordinator, Kohima College, and the Welcome Address delivered by Dr. Vitsosie Vüprü, Principal, KCK.

The Chairman Prof. Dharmalingam B in his general observations of the college remarked that the Peer Team has received inputs from all the stakeholders concerned. He also lauded Kohima College for producing Alumni in various fields and mentioned that the Alumni Association is an asset for the college.

Prof. Dharmalingam stated the college has an excellent team of teachers and students and appreciated Kohima College for the extension services rendered to the less-privileged. The holistic development of the institution is very well laid by the college in various steps taken by the institution, he remarked, and added that the college gives equal importance to both curricular and co-curricular aspects.

The recommendations of the Peer Team were handed over to the Principal, KCK. The meeting concluded with vote of thanks proposed by IQAC Coordinator.

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