Longleng DC orders reopening of fish shops after food poisoning incident

Longleng: Food contamination in Ponching village was due to unhygienic food handling

BY | Tuesday, 27 June, 2023

On 15 June 2023, forty-three persons from Ponching village, Longleng were admitted to the District Hospital, Longleng to seek medical treatment for food poisoning which was suspected to be caused by fish sold at a fish shop in Longleng town, DIPR informed.

A thorough investigation and analysis was conducted by the State Public Health Laboratory and the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) in regard to the outbreak after which it was determined that the suspected source of contamination was not responsible for the outbreak, as the fish sample did not contain any harmful contaminants.

As per the report of State Public Health Laboratory, Nagaland, Kohima and CMO, Longleng, it was stated that food contamination was due to unhygienic food handling and presence of E. Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteria.

The Deputy Commissioner, Longleng ordered the immediate reopening of all fish shops/establishments in Longleng town. This decision was taken after careful consideration of the investigation results. All shop owners and residents are asked to continue standard hygiene practices, such as proper hand washing, food safety measures and maintaining a clean environment and to remain vigilant and report any unusual health concerns to the authorities so that action be taken on time. The fish shop at Longleng town which was sealed earlier was re-opened by District Administration, along with Chamber of Commerce and Longleng Police on 26 June 2023.

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