Longleng district admin, DHEW hold awareness programme on teen pregnancy

Longleng: Main reason of teenage pregnancy is lack of inadequate sex education

BY | Saturday, 27 April, 2024

District Administration and District Hub for Empowerment of Women (DHEW) Longleng in collaboration with Nagaland Aids Control Society (NSACS), Longleng conducted an awareness program on prevention of Teenage Pregnancy at Lempong Convention Hall, Longleng on Saturday. Students from various schools of Longleng town from classes 9 to 12 attended the awareness programme.

DIPR informed that Designated STI/RTI clinics (DSRC) Counsellor District Hospital Longleng, Lithei Phom, was the resource person at the event. She emphasized on the consequences of teenage pregnancy – physiologically, psychologically and socially, its prevention, health education, life skill education at school, home and church.

Phom said the main reason of teenage pregnancy is lack of inadequate sex education. It is hard to raise a child when you are still a child, she remarked and stressed that young people should be morally intact and focused on one’s own future, positive choice, commitment and abstinence.

District Mission coordinator (DMC), DHEW Longleng, P. Phungla Phom, in her introductory note, encouraged the students to take such program seriously and to think of themselves as most privileged and fortunate to be part of this program.

Chingkhong, Assistant women Pastor Longleng Town Baptist Church proposed the invocation. SFL, DHEW Longleng, Afen Phom chaired the program.

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