The Longleng District Planning & Developments Board (DPDB) has approved the setting up of a nursing institute in Longleng at its meeting on Wednesday. The meeting for the month of Septembe was held at DPDB hall, Longleng under the chairmanship of DC and Vice chairman DPDB Longleng, Dharm Raj, IAS, DIPR informed.
The house discussed on the proposal for obtaining NOC from the Board for setting up of Nursing Institute in Longleng and was approved by the Board.
The DC informed that in view of the central government’s programme of Nasha Mukt Bharat (Drug Free India), which was launched on 15th August 2020, the Phom Baptist Christian Association (PBCA) is envisioning concerted efforts to contain the menace of substance abuse, where it wished to anticipate possible contribution in terms of cash or kind from each department in Longleng towards (PBCA) Serenity Home (Rehabilitations/Detox Center).
During the meeting, PWD (R&B) presented the department activities. The DC directed School Education department to present the department activities in the next DPDB meeting. New members of the board, Yanger Jamir, SP Longleng and H.Tokugha Chophy, DFO were introduced and welcome during the meeting.