Midan Peyu of Rengma and Yimkhiung regions declares solidarity with Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya led NNC/FGN

BY | Tuesday, 29 October, 2024

The Midan Peyu (Chief Commisioner) of the Rengma Region and Yimkhiung Region have declared its support to Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya led NNC/FGN.

The Midan Peyu of the Rengma Region convened a joint meeting on October 28 with all the authorities of both civil and Naga Army officials at the regional level to discuss the present issues within the NNC/FGN government.

The Region, after deliberation on the issue, unanimously resolved “without reservation unflinchingly” support and stand with the leadership of Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya, the Kedahge, Federal Government of Nagaland (NNC/FGN)

The Region has also denounced the impeachment of the Kedahge (President) by Zhopra Vero Kedallo/Vice President that appeared in local newspapers on October 21 as unconstitutional.

In another press release, the Midan Peyu of the Yimkhiung Region informed that it held a joint meeting on October 28 with all the Yimkhiung Region Kilonsers, Deputy Kilonsers, Tatars. Secretaries. Naga Army Officers and the other Dignitaries and file to deliberate the issue on Impeachment of Zhopra Vero Kedallo from the NNC/FGN on October 22 by the Centre at Sanglao Village.

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“The Yimkhiung Region had a serious discussion in regard of this matter and agreed to firmly support his Excellency Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya, the Kedahge NNC/FGN.The Yimkhiung Region strongly condemn and announce the Zhopra Vero Press Statement that published on 21” of October. 2024 in the Local News Paper as Invalid as it was absolutely unconstitutional of the Nagaland federal Yehzabo,” stated the press release.

The Yimkhiung Region, on behalf of its government, has  urged all the Naga people “not to bewilder with the NNC/FGN Led by Brig. (Retd) S. Singnya in all the matters of the political”. “He Stand firmly and dedicated wholeheartedly from the very beginning till today to fight for the Naga Political issues with the Government of India (GOI),” stated the press release.

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