Mokokchung: AKM makes urgent appeal for landslide affected Noklangsangba GHS

Mokokchung: AKM urges DoSE to take swift action to mitigate further academic setbacks to students

BY | Monday, 4 September, 2023

In a press release today, the Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) has issued an urgent appeal to the Principal, Director of School Education in Kohima, Nagaland, regarding the critical situation at Noklangsangba Government High School in Lirmen, Mokokchung district. The school, situated in the heart of Nagaland, has been grappling with the aftermath of a devastating landslide that occurred on 27 August 2023, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

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AKM informed that the landslide had inflicted severe damage upon the school building, which accommodates students in grades 9 and 10. The safety and well-being of the students have taken precedence in this dire situation, as the natural disaster has disrupted regular classes, leaving young learners in a precarious position.

The conference commended the school administration of Noklangsangba GHS for swiftly relocating the classes to the assembly hall. However, this temporary solution is far from ideal as the assembly hall lacks the necessary infrastructure and facilities required for effective teaching and learning, it mentioned, adding that the unfortunate situation further jeopardizes the academic progress of the students.

The Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) has called upon the Principal, Director of School Education, Nagaland to take immediate action in light of these pressing concerns. Their appeal includes the following requests:

Prompt Assessment: The education department is urged to assess the extent of damage to the school building promptly, to determine the scale of repairs required.

Expedited Reconstruction: The authorities are implored to expedite the necessary repairs or reconstruction to ensure a safe and conducive learning environment for the students. The current situation has disrupted their education, and swift action is essential to mitigate further academic setbacks.

This urgent appeal by the AKM highlights the importance of addressing the needs of Noklangsangba GHS at the earliest.

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