Naga Coffee awarded Gold for Nagaland Washing Station Natural Coffee at AITC 2023

Kohima: Nagaland produces coffee that scored above 85 points on the Speciality Coffee Associations scale for the first time

BY | Monday, 12 June, 2023
Naga Coffee team that processed the award-winning coffee - Dr Pieter Vermeulen, co-founder, Kajiikho Ariicho (L) and Ënga Antühü, the mill manager (in red)

In a moment of pride for Nagaland, Naga Coffee was awarded Gold for Nagaland Washing Station Natural Coffee during the Aurora International Taste Challenge (AITC) 2023 held on 9 June in South Africa.

The coffee that entered for the competition came from the state capital Kohima produced by local farmers.

The Aurora International Taste Challenge was established to recognise and award food and drink excellence internationally while helping consumers purchase award-winning, expertly-rated products with confidence. In 2023 the AITC was held in South Africa to celebrate and honour universal food quality.

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The Naga Coffee was experimented with a new drying process method this year. Ripe coffee cherries were brought from a few local farmers and dried in a polyhouse during the winter season in Kohima.

Before final processing, it was sundried for three days in Dimapur. This double-drying process produced amazing sweetness.

Coffee beans being sundried

Even though only 120kg of this quality was produced this season, it is great news that Nagaland has now for the first time produced a coffee that scored above 85 points on the Speciality Coffee Associations scale.

It took almost 5 years of trying different methods, but now a method has been discovered that works for the Nagaland climatic conditions.

As coffee is produced in other districts across Nagaland, there is much scope that it can also produce award-winning coffee if they follow the right harvesting and processing methods.

In October 2021 Nagaland Coffee was also awarded a silver for Nagaland Coffee Tribal Blend during the AITC.

Dr Pieter Vermeulen, co-founder of Naga Coffee Pvt Ltd testing the quality of the coffee

Coffee Awards

In a departure from traditional coffee events, coffee at the AITC is prepared and served in a way that is representative of the way consumers will enjoy coffee. Products are therefore evaluated in an environment and circumstances, similar to what consumers would experience at home, or in a coffee shop.

The coffee and tea industry has undergone significant changes in the past three years, driven by a range of trends. One trend has been the growing demand for premium and speciality coffees and teas, as consumers become increasingly interested in unique flavour profiles and high-quality products. This has led to an increase in speciality coffee shops and tea houses, as well as a trend towards single-origin and direct trade products.

Coffee beans being sundried

Another trend has been the growing focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness within the industry. Many coffee and tea companies are adopting eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable energy sources and reducing waste.

There is also a growing interest in functional ingredients and health benefits, with many consumers seeking out coffee and tea products that offer additional health benefits, such as antioxidants or energy-boosting properties.

Consumers are getting better educated about coffee, and quality is becoming more of a focus for them.

Overall, the quality levels of the coffees varied widely. The top-tier coffees were characterized by their complexity, balance, and distinct flavour notes. These coffees were typically grown at higher altitudes and tended to be more expensive due to their limited availability. However, there were also many coffees that did not meet the standards of the tasting panel. These coffees were often characterized by their bitterness or lack of distinct flavour notes.

Normally, entries are mostly for black coffee and coffee from beans, but again this year a surprising number of entries were for coffee in pods, and coffee with milk.

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