Nagaland conducts statewide Emergency Preparedness drill

Kohima: Wokha DC assures his district will do its best to rectify whatever shortcoming had been identified during 6th NEPEx

BY | Thursday, 2 November, 2023
Mega Mock Exercise on Earthquake Disaster at Tuensang on 2 November 2023

The Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA) successfully conducted the sixth edition of National Emergency Preparedness Exercise (NEPEx) across the State in collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority Ministry (NDMA) of Home Affairs, Government of India on the 2nd November 2023 “to test the capability of the state to respond to any event of disaster.”

Secretariat Plaza Kohima

The mock drill began by sounding of siren bell at 9:03 am from PHQ and DIPR with a scenario of earthquake magnitude of 7.1 Richter scale. Various departments reported with their resources and equipment at the staging area in secretariat plaza which was managed by the Deputy Incident Commander, Commissioner & Secretary NSDMA, Lhouchalie Viya, IAS.

Various departments participated in the main staging area with their resources including PHE, Fire & Emergency Services, AH & Veterinary Services, Economic & Statistics, Power, Health & Family Welfare, Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Police Department, IPR, Planning, Nagaland Public Work Department, Central Reserve Police Force, NSDMA, Social Welfare and Assam Rifles.


DC Kohima, Kumar Ramnikant, IAS and Observer, Assistant Commandant, 78Bn CRPF, Zubza, Khriezovo Zutso briefed on the situation handled by all the stakeholders on the mock drill. Observer Zutso commented that the capital could respond to the situation effectively. He stated that there was excellent traffic control and execution of rescue operations on ground as well as high storied buildings with timely arrival of ambulance and evacuation of the injured. However, he commented that there was poor communication and gaps in some of the radio sets not receiving signals at some points. Zutso also said that there was poor community response and lack of proper medical staff.

The Observer suggested that public may be sensitized for preparedness, communication mode should not only be restricted to radio sets, sniffer and tracker dogs maybe made available in liaison with the security forces, proper medical team comprising of MO, Staff etc. to be available, blood donors can be arranged with the public for immediate response to emergencies, food and water should be arranged as in real time scenario, makeshift accommodation and trauma centre, lady/women should be included in the rescue team in the SDRF and Medical team, better equipment should made available.

Apart from the district observers, NDMA Coordinator, Major General Sudhir Bhal (Retd) Sr. Consultant (MF & IRS) NDMA, MHA GoI and State Observer Group Captain, Abhijit Wyas, IAF (Easter Command Shillong) visited the district staging area staged at Government Hr. Sec. School, Rüzhükhrie ground and interacted with the Incident Commander and Section Chiefs of Operation, Planning and Logistic while in NHAK to get first hand information on how the medical team are taking stock of the situation.

In Kohima, five locations were designated as the incident sites which included Kohima Trade Centre, BOC Kohima, Circuit House (one residential house) New Ministers’ Hill, Government Middle School, Middle PWD colony, Khedi Hr. Sec. School, Kohima Village and Kohima Arts College. During the exercise building collapsed and fire incidents were created where a total number of 25 casualties including two dead, seven seriously injured, ten with minor injuries and six with mild injuries were staged by the students and public at the sites.

District Administration along with Government Officials from various departments, NDRF, SDRF, Police, Power, Medical, Fire & Emergency Services with its various machineries and Kohima Village Youth Organization (KVYO) and others stakeholders took active part in the mock activities for the successful conduct of the exercise.


Emergency siren was sounded at 9:03 am for the mockdrill on earthquake simulating 8.6 magnitude after which rescue exercise was carried out from the Staging Area (Imkongmeren Sports Complex) in five different locations (Govt. High School, Dilong, Model Hr. Sec. School, MMC Complex, Jubilee Memorial College and Vidi Vici Building). The simulating scenario in the incident area was collapse structure search and rescue, fire incident, search and high rise rescue and road clearance.

Rescue personnel and volunteers during the exercise were NCC, Bharat Scout and Guides, Home Guards, F & ES Team, SDRF, Medical Team, PWD (R&B), personnel from the Police department including Traffic and Wireless and DPRO Team for documentation (Photography & Videography).

The mock exercise ended at 12:00 noon followed by conclusionary remarks by Deputy Commissioner, Mokokchung.


The siren was sounded at 9:03 am in Tuensang. The Responsible Officer (RO) briefed the Command Staff Members at DC Conference Hall after which the Incident Response Team gathered at the staging area at Parade Ground and medical relief camp at Indoor Stadium and mobilized the manpower from SDRF, Fire and Emergency, PWD, Police Personnel and Medical Team and rushed to the incidence site at First Nallah, BOC, PWD Office, Old DC office and Officer ward Daily Market.

In the briefing session Kanchan Kumar Kandpal, IPS, SP Tuensang exhorted the participants that mental preparation in time of disaster can save many lives and through this mock Drill we should note down the short coming and to be alert when disasters happened.

DC Lithrongla Tongpi Rutsa thanked all the departments for their active participation in performing their assigned responsibility with utmost sincerity and successful conducting the mock drills exercise in the district.


There were five locations designated as incident sites namely District Hospital Wokha, Government Higher Secondary School Wokha, Mount Tiyi College Wokha, Daily Bazaar Market and Humri Bakery. The exercise was conducted on Duck-Cover-hold, Damage Assessment & Reporting, Mobilization of response- Evacuation, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), CASEVAC and Restoration activities and at Daily Market on Duck-Cover-hold, Damage Assessment & Reporting and Fire-Fighting/damage control, Mobilization of response- Evacuation, SAR, CASEVAC (Casualty Evacuations), Seeking & Deployment of additional resources and Restoration activities. The mockdrill was done on Search and Rescue operation on fifty-two persons casualties due to earthquake disaster.

During the debriefing, Deputy Commissioner Wokha Ajit Kumar Ranjan, IAS, who is also District Responsible Officer (RO) assured that the district will do its best to rectify at the earliest whatever shortcoming had been identified during the 6th NEPEx to meet the challenges in times of actual disaster. He also thanked the Wokha District Disaster Management Authority for the successful conduct of the program.


A mega mock exercise on earthquake disaster was conducted at Peren Town on 2nd November 2023 under the supervision of District Disaster Management Authority Peren simulating an earthquake scenario with a magnitude of 7.1 on the Richter scale.

The staging area was set up at Peren Town Local Ground, while Peren Government College, Government Higher Secondary School, Hangsile Residential, ADC’s Office and Peren Town Daily Market were designated as the incident site.

During the mock exercise, a scenario of two deaths, ten injured were reported and all the injured were given medical attention by the unit of medical teams.

The exercise concluded with a debriefing from Responsible Officer who is also the Deputy Commissioner, Section Chiefs and Observers.


The demonstrations of the 6th Nagaland Emergency Preparedness Exercise (NEPEx) took place at Community Health Centre Shamator, Government Higher Secondary School Shamator and some various areas of Shamator town. During the Mock Drill Administration, HoDs and Assam Rifle also took part along with the NDRF Nagaland. The mock drill was volunteered by NNC, Shamator College.


District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) Longleng in collaboration with National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) conducted mock drill exercise on earthquake at public ground Longleng.

Government departments and agencies played their respective roles and responsibilities as assigned to them in the Incident Response System (IRS), guidelines and structure issued by the Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NSDMA).

The role of rescue team was played by NDRF while the incident commanders, operation section, planning section and logistic section communicated each other to take stock of the situation.

After the mock drill exercise, review meeting comprised of incidents commanders was held at the public ground Longleng.

Dy. Commandant 12th NAP (IR) Battalion, Chingtok Masudong, Principal Yingli College Dr. T. Temsu Imti, Ranger Longleng and Branch manager SBI Robert Tungoe were the observers of the mock drill exercise.


The Mock Drill was conducted on an earthquake scenario with magnitude of 8.7 on the Richter Scale to test of capability of the district responding and managing any disaster. A siren bell was sounded from DC office, Tseminyu at 9.30 am. Four staging areas were assigned namely Baptist Higher Secondary School, Town Market area, SDEO and EE (PWD) office. Before the Mock Drill Exercise DC & DDMA, Rohit Singh (IAS) briefed the participants

The mock exercise was organized by the DDMA, Tseminyu.


District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) in collaboration with the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) team conducted a mock drill at Niuland town under the chairmanship of Sara S Jamir DC Niuland and Chairman DDMA. The mock drill was conducted assuming the scenario of an earthquake measuring a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter Scale along with extreme weather condition striking Niuland at 9:00 am causing havoc at two incident sites namely Shepherd High School and DC office Niuland.

Immediately thereafter, the Responsible Officer (RO) briefed various agencies such as strike team at the DEOC and resources mobilization at staging area. Following that, personnel from SDRF and relevant departments were deployed to the incident sites. The Asst. Commandant, OC Niuland Police Station and Company Commander 8th NAP witness the event as observers.

While culminating the event, DC Niuland debriefed the members and acknowledged the professionalism displayed by the personnel involved in the mock drill.


Nagaland Emergency Preparedness Exercise (NEPEx) was carried out at four locations in Zunheboto town by SDRF, Fire and Emergency Service, Police, CMO and the District Administration.


District level emergency response mock drill exercise simulating an earthquake disaster of 7.1 magnitudes was held at Govt. Hr Sec School, Cosmopolitan School, Mt. Mary College, Kuotsu Market Complex, Chümoukedima, respectively, and Chümoukedima Town Council ground as the main staging area. The earthquake was presumed at 9 am with the sounding of siren.

Later, DC& DDMA Chairman, Abhinav Shivam, IAS, who headed the entire exercise, took a review of the mock exercise at CTC Hall, where he appreciated the DDMA and stakeholders for participating and the efforts put in mock drill exercise with team spirit and dedication. He said that these mock exercises are the investment made for the effective and timely response to the future disaster. He urged all the stakeholders to be ready and use the knowledge gained through the mock exercise to the best of their abilities, should any disaster take place.

Stressing on centralizing the available resources for disaster management, Shivam added that round-the-clock preparedness should be there as disasters have no warning sign. It was a learning experience and everyone should have a scenario in our mind how to deal with when the disaster struck, he added. The DC also emphasized that all personnel should know the roles and responsibilities to make the disaster response effective and learn to deal with crisis anytime of the day.

A debriefing meeting followed where observers shared their experiences and suggestions for improved disaster response coordination and highlighted on certain areas that need improvement.


Home Guard, headed by District Commandant HG & CD, was the Operational Section Chief of the Mock Exercise in Phek district while the Officer i/c of Fire & Emergency Services Phek was the Strike Team/Task Force Leader.

After the completing the exercise, DC & CEO, DDMA, gave briefing about the course of operation and action taken by all responsible officials during the entire exercise.

Five Observers, Col. PS Chundawat 38-AR as Chief Observer, Asst Comdt Bikranjit, NB-SUB K. K. Singh, Comdt 5-NAP Yanrenthung Ngullie, and Ronald Difoe, Asst Prof. took the responsible assigned jobs as observers, and gave debriefing where they pointed out the areas of that need improvement to upgrade the capacity of DDMA. The exercise was conducted under the supervision of eleven Incident Commanders, headed by DC Phek, Ruopfükuotuo Noudi, NCS who is also CEO, DDMA.


DDMA Noklak conducted a Mega Mock Exercise on Earthquake Disaster under the Chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner & Chairman DDMA, Noklak, Arikumba who was also a Responsible Officer.

During the exercise, assuming that earthquake of 7.1 on RC struck Noklak where the siren was sounded at 9:03 am at Public Ground, Noklak. four locations namely VG Office, Christian High School, KSU Office and Bazaar Noklak Town were located for the exercise. Staging area was set up at Public Ground and DEOC was set up at DC Conference Hall, Noklak. 20 Students of Christian High School Noklak participated as volunteers during the Mock Exercise.

The event was organized by Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority in collaboration with National Disaster Management Authority. The event ended with comments from the observers.


Simulating occurrence of M 7.1 major earthquake, four locations in Kiphire were use as incident site namely Daily market area, Cambridge High School, Water Resources department office and one private building belonging to Kiritong. At 9:03 AM, siren was sounded at Fire & Emergency Services station, DPRO office and the public ground. Immediately after that, all the concerned department officials under DDMA Kiphire, rescue team and volunteers gathered at the staging area located at public ground, and rescue operation started.

The evacuation plan was carried out at the Cambridge high school, where the building collapsed leaving two persons seriously injured, and one Student with disability was found trapped inside the building, all the three persons were safely rescued to relief camp. The rescue team-2 rushed to other affected site at Water resources department office, doused off the partly ablaze building with the help of fire brigade. One person with minor injury and two stranded staffs were transported to relief camp. Evacuation was also executed at kiritong private building, where two persons seriously injured were rescued, three dead bodies was recovered and transported to medical mortuary. At the daily market, two person suffered serious injury, and three people evaded with minor injury and one dead body recovered.

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