Nagaland Police notifies on traffic offences

Kohima: Nagaland Police has appealed to the general public to follow the provisions of the law and in case of violations to pay the fines only under proper challan and with the authorized Police Officers only

BY | Friday, 12 August, 2022

In view of the increase in the number of vehicle accidents along the Kohima-Dimapur National Highway including private and commercial vehicles, Nagaland Police has been conducting enforcement drive of violators along the National Highway in Dimapur and Kohima in the past few weeks. It is to bring to the notice of the public the various offences under the Motor Vehicle Act 1988 and other notifications under which the Nagaland Police has been enforcing as follows:-


Section Offence Fine (Rs)
177 General penalty ·      1st offence – Rs 500/-

·      2nd offence – fine up to Rs 1,500/-

181 Driving without license ·      Fine up to Rs 5,000/-
183(1) Over-speeding ·      Rs 1,000/- to Rs 2,000/- for LMV

·      Rs 2,000/- to Rs 4,000/- for medium/heavy passengers or goods vehicles

·      Second subsequent offence – impounding of Driving License

184 Penalty for dangerous driving ·      First offence – imprisonment of 6 months to 1 year and/or fine up to Rs 1,000/- to Rs 5,000/-

·      Subsequent offence (within 3 years from first offences – imprisonment up to 2 years and/or fine up to Rs 10,000/-

185 Drunken driving ·      First offence – fine up to Rs 10,000/- and/or imprisonment up to 6 months

·      Second offences – fine up to Rs 15,000/- and/or imprisonment up to 2 years

192 Using vehicle without registration ·      Contravention of section 56 also punishable under this provision

·      First offence – fine from Rs 2,000/- up to Rs 5,000/-

·      Second offence – imprisonment up to 1 year or fine Rs 5,000/- up to Rs 10,000/-

192 A Using vehicle without permit


·      First offence imprisonment up to 6 months and fine of Rs 10,000/-

·      Second offences – imprisonment between 6 months to 1 year and/or fine of Rs 10,000/-

194(1) Overloading ·      Fine of minimum Rs 20,000/- and Rs 2,000/- per excess Tonne and liability to pay for overloading
194(2) Refusal to stop and submit vehicle for weighing ·      Fine of Rs 40,000/-
194(A) Carriage of excess passengers ·      Fine of Rs 200/- per excess passenger
194 D Penalty for not wearing helmets ·      Fine of Rs 1,000/- and disqualification from license for months
196 Driving uninsured vehicle ·      First offence fine of Rs 2,000/- and/or imprisonment up to 3 months

·      Second offence-fine of Rs 4,000/- and/or imprisonment up to 3 months

199 A Offence by juveniles ·      Guardian owner deemed guilty

·      Fine of Rs 25,000/- and imprisonment up to 3 years and cancellation of registration of motor vehicle used by the juvenile in the offence for 12 months

·      Juvenile ineligible to obtain learners license until the age of 25 years


Nagaland Police has appealed to the general public to follow the provisions of the law and in case of violations to pay the fines only under proper challan and with the authorized Police Officers only. In case of any unauthorized personnel collecting fines without proper challan, the same may be brought to notice of the Control Room which has been setup for receiving any complaints/information regarding illegal collection of money by providing specific information accompanied by photographic and video-graphic evidence, (i) 112 (ii) 8798881978, (iii) 8798881979, and (iv) email ID – The general public may also contact the Nagaland Police officers whose CUG (Closed User Group) mobile numbers are available in the ‘Call Your Cop’ mobile App which can be downloaded from Play Store. The information can be shared with Nagaland Police via Voice call, Whatsapp, text message, E-mail and so on. The confidentiality of all persons reporting such complaint shall be maintained, if so desired.




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