Networking with Local Bodies on raising awareness about the rights and well-being of domestic workers in Nagaland


BY | Sunday, 26 November, 2023

The Ferrando Domestic Workers Alliance (FDWA), Centre for Development Initiatives (CDI), Kohima branch conducted an awareness program on “Networking with Local Bodies on raising awareness about the rights and well-being of domestic workers in Nagaland”.The program was held at Lotha Hoho ki at Kezieke colony.

Representatives and participants from the Angami Students’ Union, All Nagaland College Students’ Union, Kohima Khiamniungan Students’ Union, Kohima Ao Students’ Union, Kohima Rengma Students’ Union, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad ABVP and domestic workers attended the program.

Sr. KS Rincy, City Coordinator shared a concise speech about CDI, where she highlighted that it is a dedicated non governmental organisation with a mission to empower, advocate and provide essential support to the domestic workers. “The organisation has made a remarkable strides in empowering the lives of domestic workers,” said Rincy where she shared some of the significant success and impact since its formation.

In the areas of advocacy and awareness, the CDI has been raising awareness about the rights and dignity of domestic workers. According to Rincy, the CDI has tirelessly campaigned for the fare wages, safe working conditions and access to education and healthcare. The training and skill development is another initiatives, which equip domestic workers with essential skills such as candle making, pickle making, paper bag and mask making, detergent making, household management training kitchen garden management and tailoring course. “As a result domestic workers saw a significant improvement in their living standard,” stated Rincy. Further, the organisation has worked diligently to reduce the social stigma associated with domestic workers.

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During the program, domestic workers Velelou and Belong shared their experiences working with different employers where some consider them as menial and unskilled contributing to the lack of respect and recognition. At the same time, they also shared that there are some employers who value and appreciate the hard work and dedication of Domestic Workers and treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve.

This program was initiated to give awareness to the public about domestic workers who often go unnoticed yet plays a very crucial role in the society. The program which witnessed 18 participants, was conducted and sponsored under New Hope Project , CCD

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