NHAK Blood Separation Unit acquired in 2020 for over Rs 70 lakh defective

Kohima: Advisor Mhathung leads PAC spot verification of NHAK

BY | Friday, 21 July, 2023

Advisor Agriculture, Mhathung Yanthan led the Public Accounts Committee in a spot verification of the Naga Hospital Authority Kohima (NHAK) on Friday, DIPR stated. The PAC team inspected the availability and condition of various equipment at NHAK, including Life Saving Equipment, diagnostic and therapeutic machines such as Ultra Sonogram, Computerised EG machines, Cardiac Monitor, Ventilators, Photo Therapy Units, ENT Equipment, and more.

During the inspection, it was revealed that in October 2020, all the equipment for the Blood Separation Unit at DH Kohima had been supplied at the cost of Rs. 72.78 Lakh for 27 items. However, the Blood Separation Unit was not functional due to defective equipment.

The PAC also assessed the status of the Blood Bank and the functionality of all the equipment. They later inspected the Tele ICU Hub at NHAK, which is tele-connected with other districts, and the 10-bedded ICU wards that were permanently converted during the COVID crisis.

NHAK officers briefed Advisor Mhathung Yanthan about the obstacles and challenges faced in running the hospital efficiently. The primary concern raised was the parking problem, for which they proposed the need for a multi-level parking facility. The officers also discussed the potential conversion of an old structure into a standard hospital building in a phased manner. Additionally, they requested a separate and dedicated sub-station and transformer for an uninterrupted power supply.

Advisor Mhathung Yanthan expressed his admiration for the hospital and appreciated the existing facilities. He commended the dedication and efficiency of the officers that contributed to raising the hospital’s standards. He acknowledged the challenges related to fund resources and land issues and assured the officers that their suggestions and opinions would be presented to the government for the further development of the hospital.

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