Noklak: Human traffickers luring vulnerable victims using social media platforms

Noklak: Broken family, unhealthy environment and judgmental society contribute to human trafficking

BY | Monday, 31 July, 2023

An awareness program was organised by Noklak District Administration under the banner of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao on the occasion of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on 31st July 2023 at DC’s Conference Hall, Noklak under the theme ‘Reach Every Women of Trafficking’, DIPR informed.  SDO (Civil) Noklak, Vokhoto Richa, in his keynote address, stated that due to the advancement of technology, human traffickers are using internet and social media platform to lure their victims.

He mentioned that most victims of human trafficking are from vulnerable sections of the society specially women and children. He added that traffickers lure the persons in the form of offering good job in big cities. Taking advantage of social media, traffickers use fake accounts and therefore advised the gathering to be aware and not to fall in such kind of trap. Richa also requested all the stakeholders and civil societies to create awareness on human trafficking.

Advocate S. Birila Brianna who was the resource person of the program spoke on ‘Overview/Implementation of Human Trafficking laws in India’. She said, human trafficking is an organised crime where the traffickers are well prepared and planned.  Brianna explained in detail the different forms of trafficking like sex trafficking, bride trafficking, organs trafficking, sperm trafficking, illegal adoptions, commercial purposed trafficking, child labour trafficking and labour trafficking.

She mentioned that family institutions are very important where one can learn how to live a responsible citizen. She advised to all the parents and teachers to give proper awareness to children on trafficking. She added that, some of the factors also contributing in human trafficking are broken family, unhealthy environment and judgmental society.

UBSI DEF Noklak, Pongom spoke on the challenges associated with human trafficking in Nagaland. Khiamniungan Menyiu Hoikam (KMH) President Chongkoi who also spoke expressed to have more awareness on human trafficking in the district and even reaching to the rural areas.

Earlier, the programme was chaired by EAC Noklak, Kathyinla while EAC Noklak Menlom delivered the vote of thanks during the programme.

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