Nokhu Village initiated the making and pulling of a log drum under the aegis of Nokhu Council and Nokhu Public Organization.
The village is an immediate neighbour to the district headquarters, Noklak Town.
The log drum was crafted in an area in Noklak district right on the Myanmar border. The making of the drum and the transferring of the fully carved log drum from the site of creation to Nokhu village took exactly two weeks, covering a distance of almost 40km.
With the last three days of the journey made with no rest, the log drum finally reached home on 26 November.
The transfer of the log drum covered a distance of about 40km.
Around 300 men, both young and old, participated in the pulling of the log drum taking the road less travelled through the forest.
The log drum measures 26ft in length and 4ft in breadth.
Speaking to Nagaland Tribune, Nokhu Village Council Chairman Thiamo explained that in the early days, the log drum played a significant role in the village.
“Earlier, it was used to alert the villagers by beating the drum as warning for any ill situation that might befall on the village,” he said.
The log drum reaches Nokhu village.
Mentioning that times have now changed and Christianity has come, he said they have brought the log drug home and placed it in the Council Hall after pronouncing a prayer over it.
“We have brought this log drum so that we preserve the history and culture. Today, our motive is that young people can be handed down the ways of its usages and knowledge,” the chairman said.