NPCC condemns poll related violence against its candidate

BY | Thursday, 27 June, 2024

The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC ) has expressed shocked at the incidence of poll related violence at the residence of Bendangchuba, INC candidate from Alongmen Ward. According to the Communications Department

NPCC, the violence was perpetrated by the supporters of opposing candidate from the NDPP,  Imlikumzuk, on polling day.

“It is a collective shame and tragedy that such acts of utter barbarism is allowed to play out publicly in wanton disregard to all laid down electoral, penal and moral codes of conduct, and is a stark reminder about the depths to which the party and government of the day can stoop down for Power,” stated the NPCC.

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Strongly condemning the vandalism and physical assault committed against its candidate’s supporters and family members, the NPCC urged the Law Enforcement Agencies and the State Election Commission to take the strictest of action against those responsible for the act.

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