My dear Nagas and fellow comrades,
At the very outset, I praise our Almighty God for His unending grace in sustaining and leading our Naga national movement and bringing us this far.
I extend my best wishes to all my beloved Naga people on this auspicious occasion of our 45th Republic Day celebration. I salute you for standing with. Us in our most difficult times: your patriotism, love and prayer support has kept our struggle alive and strong.
On this auspicious day we remember and honour our valiant Naga fighters and martyrs whose priceless sacrifices and indomitable spirit remains a beacon of hope and strength for the on-going Naga people’s movement. Their good deeds will continue to inspire our future generations.
The Naga nation did not come into being by accident but came into existence as a result of a long hard struggle by the Nagas against dual colonialist and imperialist forces of India and Myanmar (erstwhile Burma) because our freedom and ways of life was threatened. The story of the Naga freedom struggle was written by the sweat, tears and blood of patriotic Nagas. Despite unimaginable challenges, our people have valiantly stood their ground refusing to abandon the struggle. They have demonstrated their unwavering resilience during the past seven decades and have shown that they can overcome what lies ahead. Their strong determination and courage stand proof that the Naga nation is resolute in continuing the struggle come what may.
History have proven time and again that truth cannot be concealed and hidden away. It has shown that oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. At no point of time in history has the Nagas ever been subjugated to any foreign power. Nagas have firmly declared that their political condition and situation is unique because they have never been conquered nor have accepted to be under the Union of India or Burma. The decades of atrocities perpetrated by these occupational forces are well documented in the Naga history. However these brutalities failed to suppress the spirit of the brave Nagas; it has only intensify and fortify their determination.
India remained indifferent to the struggle and sacrifices of the Nagas instead portrayed the NSCN/GPRN as a terrorist organisation. India who regard self-defence as terrorism tend to forget her own political history. She must remember that if Bhagat Singh and Subhash Chandra Bose are not terrorists; neither are the Nagas. Even if every Naga is branded as terrorist we will never surrender our freedom. We have never threaten anyone; nor do we tolerate threats from anyone. We will not be intimidated by falsehood. However the price maybe we are determined and steadfast in our stand. The alternative is not to surrender to injustice.
Through their repressive ‘Divide and destroy policy, both India and Myanmar have fully encouraged factionalism and proxies within Nagas, on the grounds it acts as a second force to counter and crush the genuine Naga revolutionaries and weaken our struggle for independence. They will never succeed in thwarting the Naga liberation movement regardless of their horrendous aggression and crimes, because Nagas are the masters of their own future. God has destined the Nagas to live together as one people and one nation. No power on earth can undo the will of God for He has given us sovereignty over our land and it is our Sovereign duty to defend it. Sovereignty isn’t just our dream it’s the foundation of Naga nation’s right to govern, protect our land, preserve our cultures, identity and to freely fly our national flag.
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Presently India is working relentlessly to distort the Naga history and erase their true identity. The arbitrary decision taken by the GOI in the So-called Arunachal Pradesh in collusion with the puppet state government to delete the Naga identity is strongly condemned and rejected by all the Nagas. The word ‘NAGA’ is the very fabric of unity and oneness among Nagas. Furthermore the construction of border fence along the imposed border is another insidious attempt to alter the demographic of the Naga area and divide the Naga family permanently. This move is illegal and resistance will be mounted at all levels to counter this encroachment on our rights. Any Naga MLA, public leader or organization found harmonizing with this divisive policy will be classified as anti-nagas. Whosoever betrayed the sacrifices of the Naga nation and bargained the Naga people’s blood for personal gains will be hold accountable by history.
Dear Nagas, at this critical juncture, NSCN/GPRN recognise and welcome our people’s call for healing, restoration, and reconciliation that might preserve our unity, territorial integrity and protect our nation from the evil of conflict and sedition. But we firmly believed and emphasise, that no solution will justify the supreme sacrifices made by thousands Nagas, so long as it does not recognise our national Independence. There should be only one solution for all Nagas and it will be Sovereignty solution.
Over the years, Nagas has been through a lot of contradictions, challenges, conflicts, and temptations. But one thing is clear: Naga history cannot be interpreted according to the whims of any political group or any individual for no Naga is above the national principle or above righteousness.
Nagas need to know that there is a better future ahead than the one envisage for them. And I believe, that future generations of Nagas can one day look back with pride that we were on the right side of history.
We have to stay on course and although we will continue to be challenged, history has shown that we can overcome these odds. Our freedom will come and we will succeed.
May God bless our Nagaland. Kuknalim
Yang Aung