NSCN-IM commemorates 8th anniversary of Indo-Naga Framework Agreement

Dimapur: Yaruiwo urges all to keep waiting for final solution with renewed hope and pledge allegiance to FA

BY | Friday, 4 August, 2023
NSCN-IM members with Indian PM Modi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and officials on 3 August 2015 in New Delhi

The NSCN-IM, on Thursday, held a Thanksgiving Program to commemorate the 8th Anniversary of the signing of the Indo-Naga Framework Agreement at Council Headquarters’ Church, Hebron.

In his speech, Yaruiwo (Chairman) Q Tuccu hailed the historic Framework Agreement as the “greatest achievement”, “the foundation on which the Naga political solution that is honorable and inclusive would be established.”

He stated that the driving force behind the Framework Agreement was recognition of the uniqueness of Naga history that the Government of India accepted after over 50 years of “fierce fighting”.

The Yaruiwo asserted that the FA is as not only an indelible chapter in the Naga political history but also challenging task for Nagas to stand the ground till the logical conclusion is sealed. He affirmed that there was no question of moving away or of diluting the agreement and appealed to all to continue to have “faith and confidence that something honorable will be worked out soon.”

“Let us therefore, keep waiting with renewed hope and pledge allegiance to the Framework Agreement that whatever may betide, we shall stand by it. God will do the rest if we put our faith on Him with all honesty and commitment,” he said.

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