NSCN-IM hits out at Advisor Imkong Imchen for comments on Naga political settlement

Kohima: NSCN-IM denies having taken any step to deviate from Framework Agreement as alleged by Imchen

BY | Friday, 27 October, 2023

NSCN-IM on Friday lashed out at Nagaland’s Advisor for Information and Public Relations & Soil and Water Conservation, Imkong L Imchen for the comments he recently made on the Naga political settlement.

Speaking at the sideline of an event in Mokokchung, Imchen had criticized the lack of progress in the negotiations, highlighting the Framework Agreement signed between NSCN-IM and the Government of India in 2015.

Read more: Imkong L Imchen expresses pessimism over Naga Political Settlement, highlights lack of progress

In its reply, the Ministry of Information and Publicity, NSCN-IM called Imchen an “opportunist” and further slammed him for commenting on the Indo-Naga political issue “with the tongue of unhealthy or decayed mind.” The divisive politics of Imkong is poisonous for Naga people, it added.

While maintaining that it was not against any political parties, NSCM-IM asserted that it was against “political opportunists” like Imchen. “Such spineless people will continue to be used by big guns in BJP and RSS to create confusion on Indo-Naga political talks,” it further said, advising the Advisor “to mind his own business”.

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NSCN-IM blamed the Government of India of delaying the Naga political settlement and reaffirmed its steadfast position on the Flag and the Constitution. It also denied to having “taken any step to deviate from the Framework Agreement as bewilderingly alleged by Imkong.”

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